Minister urges UN to help fight social ills, Swaziland Today

Date: January 1, 1970
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The article deals with a speech made by the Minister for Agriculture and Co-operation about the need for all UN agencies to help Swaziland to combat HIV/AIDS.

This article may be used to:
1)  Prompt debate on how journalists can explore different angles to events related to HIV and AIDS
2)  Interrogate the gender dimensions of food security.
Trainer’s Notes:  Despite giving prominence to the issue of HIV/AIDS, the article does not identify what the issues are for Swaziland and what assistance is required from the UN. The article is gender blind. The article is a single source story, relying on the speech made by the Minister for all information contained in the story.
Discussion Questions
1) What are the gender dimensions of food security and HIV/AIDS ?
2) What questions does this article leave you with ?

Training Exercises:
1) Trainees should investigate food insecurity in Swaziland.  Gender should be carefully considered (issues to consider include who is responsible for producing food, who is responsible for ensuring that family are fed).  The impact of HIV/AIDS on food security should then be considered.  Trainees could also investigate statistics on poverty and ensure that these are also presented to contextualise the story – if they are not gender disaggregated, trainees should comment on this.
2) Make a list of other sources and questions that you woudl like to ask.
Links to Training Resources:  Gender and HIV/AIDS: A Training Manual for Southern African Media and Communicators, Gender Links and the AIDS Law Project, Chapter 8, 

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Comment on Minister urges UN to help fight social ills, Swaziland Today

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