Namibia GJLG Summit – Prevention

Date: April 22, 2012
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Elizabethe //Khaxas Women’s leadership Centre Through our Women’s Voices Project they conducted Women’s Rights and Writing Workshops with women in various regions of Namibia, and it was in the safe space of these workshops in Caprivi Region that women began to break the socially prescribed silences and taboos surrounding the many harmful cultural practices that expose women to all forms of violence throughout their lifecycle as well as to HIV and Aids.
Lourensia Beukes ELCAP
Andrew Hoaeb Arandis Town Council National   Cyberdialogue. Importance of Councils embracing IT for Loby and advocacu
Justine Hoebes Witvlei Village Council As with any growing town the disposal of domestic and other refuse becomes and ever-increasing challenge. Special demarcated sites are being set aside to accommodate waste with the minimum on the environment.
Tresford Banda Arandis Town Council A March to raise awareness of the role of Churches in GBV

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