NGOL hosts child labour conference, The Mirror

Date: January 1, 1970
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The article reports on a conference on child labour in the SADC region.

This article may be used to:
1. Raise discussiosn about child labour.
2. Raise issues around reporting on children.
Trainer’s Notes: The article is completely silent on the impact of HIV on children and families and as a factor that increases the need for children to work.  The article only quotes official sources, despite the article mentioning that there were a range of participants who provided services and resources directly to children at the conference and who could be sourced for comment.  The article fails to adequately analyse the reasons why children have to work and merely lists the issues raised during the conference.   The article also fails to deal with the different experiences of boys and girls.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                       
Discussion Questions:
1. The article can be used to discuss how to deal with stories about children. Trainees should discuss how the views of children can be obtained in matters that directly affect them and should identify the ethical issues that occur when reporting on children. 
2. Trainees should also investigate whether boys and girls undertake different types of work and whether this work exposes them to different risks and dangers.
3. What are the social and economic conditions that contribute to child labour.
Training exercises:
1. Investigate national statistics on child labour. What are the key issues in your country ?
2. Write commentary pieces on issues of child rights.
Links to Training Resources:
UNICEF – United Nations Chidren’s Emergency Fund –

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Comment on NGOL hosts child labour conference, The Mirror

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