Opportunitites, risks and voices of young people in 2010 project

Opportunitites, risks and voices of young people in 2010 project

Date: July 26, 2010
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On June 22nd, 2010, Gender Links in partnership the National Community Radio Forum (NCRF), Community Media For Development (CMFD) and Let us Grow Project with support from Oxfam-GB hosted a seminar to share experiences on how different people have used soccer 2010 to advance gender equality. This event also served as a launch of Gender Links latest radio programme titled Say no to Human Trafficking.

This radio programme, “Together We Can End Human Trafficking”, will run from 15 May – 15 September and will be held in partnership with the Red Light 2010 Campaign (network of organisations including SANTAC, WLSA), the National Community Radio Forum (NCRF) and Community Media for Development (CMFD), and is being supported by IOM and Oxfam GB. It aims to raise awareness and increase advocacy around human trafficking and the World Cup. For more details on this programme, click here.

It has been widely discussed in recent months that children could be the most vulnerable demographic during the 2010 games. Schools in South Africa will be closed, and with little else to do, and with the fervor of the World Cup on their minds, youth will undoubtebly hit the stadiums, fan parks and streets. These are the very spaces that could put young people at risk of expolitation or abuse. Fan Parks, where alcohol will be served, will allow access to children.

It is also known that young people comprise a large amount of persons trafficked. Therefore, it is essential that actions are taken to assure youth are protected during the World Cup.


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