Call for entries to
Sol Plaatje Institute and Gender Links
Progressive leadership and institutional practice
HIV and AIDS, Gender and Media Awards 2010
The Sol Plaatje Institute (SPI) and Gender Links (GL) announce the third HIV and AIDS, Gender and Media Awards for progressive institutional practise. Unlike previous years, in which these awards only took place at regional level, the process will begin with national awards in each of the 15 Southern African Development Community (SADC) countries in August and September, linked to workshops around the forthcoming Gender and Media Progress Study (GMPS). Winners at national level will then enter a regional competition, with awards made during the GEM Summit in October. The Summit will bring together media practitioners, trainers, gender activists, media regulators and all those who subscribe to the GEMSA slogan “making every voice count, and counting that it does” to share best practices in creating a media that is more responsive to gender and diversity concerns. With its overarching theme, Media, Diversity and Change: Taking Stock, the summit takes place against the backdrop of the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development that calls for gender parity within the media, as well as equal voice and fair treatment of women and men in editorial content by 2015.
The aim of the awards is to identify and recognise progressive institutional practice and leadership in the media through the development and implementation of gender aware HIV and AIDS as well as gender specific policies which are making a difference in the work place and in the coverage of these issues by media houses. The awards are running parallel with the gender and media awards that recognise progressive practise in coverage of these issues.
The awards form part of a multi-sector initiative to mitigate the impact of HIV and AIDS in newsrooms as well as improve coverage of the pandemic and its gender dimensions. Over the last four years, as part of the Media Action Plan on HIV and Aids and Gender spearheaded by the Southern African Editor’s Forum (SAEF), over 140 newsrooms in the region have adopted gender aware HIV and AIDS policies. In 2009, following the Glass Ceilings in Newsrooms study by Gender Links, 50 media across the region are at various stages of developing and implementing gender policies.
Download : HIV and AIDS Gender and Media Awards - Call for submissions
Download : HIV and AIDS and Gender Media Leadership Application form
Download : HIV and AIDS and Media Institutional Application form
Download : Gender and Media Awards - Call for submissions
Download : Gender and Media awards - Application form
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