Southern Africa: The fight to end GBV and HIV & AIDS
Maputo, 1 December: According to the 2014 SADC Gender Protocol Barometer, HIV and AIDS prevalence has decreased consistently over the past decade as fewer people are becoming infected. New infections among adults have decreased by over 50% in Botswana, Malawi, Namibia, Zambia and Zimbabwe. New infections among adults have decreased by over 25% in Mozambique, South Africa and Swaziland…. Read more
Swaziland: World AIDS Day- For a GBV and stigma free generation
Mbabane, 1 December: Thembi Manana of Mandlangempisi in the Hhohho region has been living with HIV for ten years. Every day she takes a positive step towards life, never defaulting on her antiretroviral treatment. With life in her step, she provides home-based care in her community – going from house to house – urging people to get tested, counselling and caring for others living with HIV and related illnesses…. Read more
Côte d’Ivoire: l’atteinte de l’objectif zéro sida passe par une lutte efficace contre les VBG
Abidjan, 1 décembre: Chaque année, la Côte d’Ivoire célèbre la Journée mondiale dédiée Á la lutte contre le VIH/SIDA, le 1er décembre. Selon les statistiques du ministère de la Santé et de la lutte contre le Sida, le taux de prévalence du VIH/SIDA dans ce pays d’Afrique de l’ouest a chuté,… Read more
Maputo, 1 de Dezembro: Todos os dias, Lúcia Macamo, cinco anos de idade, acorda pelas manhãs para tomar a sua dose de anti-retrovirais, vitaminas, como gosta de dizer a sua mãe, dona Paula. Lúcia Macamo é uma criança que vive com … Read more
Botswana: My husband would not use condoms and treated our marriage as a business arrangement
*Trigger warning: Violence* I am a 57 year old woman from Serowe. I have seven children, four boys and three girls. In 1994 I got married to a divorcee. This man had children from his first marriage. When we got married I had five children and I then had two with him. … Read more
Zambia: My husband abused me and compromised my health
*Trigger warning: Violence* We met in 1992 and we were so much in love that the following year I became pregnant. Our parents consented to his marriage proposal and we got married. The turning point was when our child was six months old. … Read more
Lesotho: Abused because of political differences
*Trigger warning: Violence* I was on my way, when I was at Ha-Makhate a car stopped me and they asked me where I was going and my sister was also there. They forced me to get into the car and took me to the charge office. My sister told the police that I did not want to pay tax and therefore she had brought me there so that they could punish me. … Read more
Wednesday 26 November Cyber dialogue on economic empowerment and GBV: 13:00 to 14:00 (GMT+2) Join the cyber dialogues
Tuesday 2 December Google hangout on femicide, police data and the justice system: 13:00 to 14:00 (GMT+2) Join the hangout
Friday 5 December Cyber dialogue: Diverse sexuality and gender identities. Embrace diversity: 13:00 to 14:00 (GMT+2)| Join the cyber dialogues
Wednesday 10 December Google hangout on human rights framework for post 2015 development agenda. What do we want? 13:00 to 14:00 (GMT+2) Join the hangout
GL has conducted Violence Against Women Baseline studies in six SADC countries (Botswana, Mauritius, four provinces of South Africa, four districts of Zambia, Lesotho and Zimbabwe) and is currently rolling it out at national level in Zambia
Lifetime prevalence rates of GBV range from 25% (Mauritius) to 89% in the four districts of Zambia: Kitwe, Mansa, Kasama and Mazabuka.
Strong legislative frameworks exist in most countries but challenges remain around implementing laws and policies effectively.
GBV Indicators
Violence against women baseline research
The Violence Against Women (VAW) Baseline Study is a Southern African research project aimed at measuring the extent, drivers, effect, cost, prevention, protection, programmes and participation in the fight to rid our region of gender-based violence.
Click here to visit the website and view results of studies done in 6 countries.
16 Days of Activism
16 Days of Activism
Every year the United Nations declares the period from the 25 November, International Day for the Eradication of Violence Against Women, to the 10 December, International Human Rights Day, as the 16 Days of No Violence Against Women across the globe. … Read more
Comment on 16 Days of Activism Newsletter, 1 December 2014