16 Days of Activism Newsletter, 5 December 2014

Date: December 5, 2014
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Diverse sexuality and gender identities – Embrace diversity
5 December 2014
Table of contents

News and Opinion

Informations et opinions
International: Quelles vies comptent vraiment?

NotÁ­cias e Opinião
Moçambique: Associação de defesa de minorias sexuais clama por legalização e consideração
Moçambique: Homossexualidade – Quando a escolha da orientação sexual fere a “norma ” Social

I Stories – First hand accounts
Lesotho: It happened once but it was cruel abuse
South Africa: Raped by my own boyfriend

Questions of the day

Cyber dialogues / Google hangouts

Key Facts

GBV Indicators

16 Days of Activism


Country events
16 Days Events – schedules

Click on the country name to view the country schedule for the 16 Days of Activism







South Africa








News and Opinion
International: Whose lives matter?

Johannesburg, 5 December: When friends and family ask why I am busier than usual, my response is rather morose and bitter: “Sixteen Days of lip service keeps me super busy.” Spammed with emails, phone rings off the hook-the media suddenly cares about gender-based violence and gender equality. Governments’ speeches, which have begun to echo the sluggish monotony of test cricket commentary, are undoubtedly recycled from years prior. But for a little novelty, they add a sexist faux pas here and there- to keep us agonised or entertained? I have no clue….  Read more

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Informations et opinions
International: Quelles vies comptent vraiment?

Johannesburg, 5 décembre: Lorsque des amis et la famille me demandent pourquoi je suis plus occupée que d’habitude ces temps-ci, ma réponse plutôt morose et un rien amère est: «Les 16 jours de paroles en l’air me donnent beaucoup Á  faire ». …  Read more

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NotÁ­cias e Opinião
Moçambique: Associação de defesa de minorias sexuais clama por legalização e consideração

Maputo, 5 de Dezembro: Homofobia ou o preconceito contra as pessoas de orientação sexual minoritÁ¡ria, como é o caso dos homossexuais, estÁ¡ a atingir contornos alarmantes na sociedade moçambicana para além de aumentar a violência baseada no género GBV no mundo….  Read more

Moçambique: Homossexualidade – Quando a escolha da orientação sexual fere a “norma ” Social

Maputo, 5 de Dezembro: A homossexualidade tradicionalmente considerada um comportamento desviante e sancionado pela sociedade, tem tido nas últimas décadas, uma maior divulgação, bem como, uma tentativa de reconhecimento e integração na sociedade moderna o que entra em choque com a maioria que considera a heterossexualidade uma relação a ser reconhecida como uma norma de orientação sexual….  Read more

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I Stories – First hand accounts
Lesotho: It happened once but it was cruel abuse

*Trigger warning: Violence* It was the 28th July 2012 and we were coming home from a funeral and it became dark while we were still on the way. I was with two other women; it was not that dark as people were still walking around. When we were still walking we heard somebody whistling but we did not hear where it was coming from and we just continued with our journey….  Read more

South Africa: Raped by my own boyfriend

*Trigger warning: Violence* I once had a good loving family, a mother, step dad and a grandfather. I never knew my real father, I never had a father figure till I was 13 that when I was introduced to my step dad and his family. This family camp in 2010 when my mom and step dad got married, I then moved in with them because I had a baby and my aunt and uncle kicked me out so they took me in. We were a happy small family, and then I met my boyfriend Phaphani, who was older than me. …Read more

South Africa: Abuse led me to drugs

*Trigger warning: Violence* My name is Karabo (not my real name). My mother was sick and so I had to stay with my aunt. They sent me to Ozwathini to my father’s family to stay with my father. I did not know that my father was mentally ill. My father was so sick at that time, and he passed away. After his burial they chased me out and I had nowhere to go. I then decided to come back to Pietermaritzburg where I met my boyfriend Spinach who is the father of my child. I decided to stay with him. At first we were fine because we were both drinking. The problem started when he forced me to have sex with him every day even if I didn’t want to. He would force me to sleep with him and as result I fell pregnant….  Read more

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Questions of the day
Diverse sexuality and gender identities – Embrace diversity

5 December 2014

Does prejudice fuel gender violence?
Are people of different sexualities and gender identities less worthy of human rights?
What is homophobia and transphobia?  
How does prejudice fuel gender based violence?
How do we combat prejudice and violence?

Tell us what you think on ourFacebook page

Cyber dialogues / Google hangouts

Wednesday 26 November
Cyber dialogue on economic empowerment and GBV: 13:00 to 14:00 (GMT+2)
Join the cyber dialogues

Tuesday 2 December
Google hangout on femicide, police data and the justice system: 13:00 to 14:00 (GMT+2)
Join the hangout

Friday 5 December
Cyber dialogue: Diverse sexuality and gender identities. Embrace diversity: 13:00 to 14:00 (GMT+2)|
Join the cyber dialogues

Wednesday 10 December
Google hangout on human rights framework for post 2015 development agenda. What do we want? 13:00 to 14:00 (GMT+2)
Join the hangout

Full schedule for the 16 Days

Key Facts
Gender based violence

GL has conducted Violence Against Women Baseline studies in six SADC countries (Botswana, Mauritius, four provinces of South Africa, four districts of Zambia, Lesotho and Zimbabwe) and is currently rolling it out at national level in Zambia

Lifetime prevalence rates of GBV range from 25% (Mauritius) to 89% in the four districts of Zambia: Kitwe, Mansa, Kasama and Mazabuka.  

Strong legislative frameworks exist in most countries but challenges remain around implementing laws and policies effectively.

GBV Indicators
Violence against women baseline research

The Violence Against Women (VAW) Baseline Study is a Southern African research project aimed at measuring the extent, drivers, effect, cost, prevention, protection, programmes and participation in the fight to rid our region of gender-based violence.

Click here to visit the website and view results of studies done in 6 countries.


16 Days of Activism
16 Days of Activism

Every year the United Nations declares the period from the 25 November, International Day for the Eradication of Violence Against Women, to the 10 December, International Human Rights Day, as the 16 Days of No Violence Against Women across the globe. …  Read more

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