CSW 59, Newsletter 11 March 2015

Date: March 13, 2015
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Think global, act local… why the SADC Gender Protocol must move with the times…
11 March 2015
Table of contents

News and Opinion

Informations et opinions
CSW 59 : La mise Á  l’écart de la société civile préoccupe
«Nous sommes dans la dynamique de passer du dire au faire »

Drivers of Change blogs
CSW59: Day 2- Issues of maternal health unpacked by Nyasha Mazango
CSW59: Day 1- Preventing and responding to violence against women by Jean-Max Appanah


Google hangouts

Alliance Demands

2015, Yes we must!
See also…

News and Opinion
CSW59: Strengthening and being strengthened by the SDGs

New York, 11 March: Last night, under the theme voice, choice and control, Genderlinks and the SADC Gender Protocol Alliance hosted a side event at CSW 59 called “Strengthening and being strengthened by the sustainable development goals.” Key note speaker, Gender LinksCEO- Colleen Lowe Morna explained how the work of the SADC region in advancing gender equality, can be both emulated in and strengthened by the post 2015 development agenda…. Read more

CSW59: Gender inequality and climate change- a double injustice

New York, 11 March: At a CSW59 session on climate justice and gender equality held yesterday at the United Nations, delegates discussed the ongoing need for gender responsive and people-centered climate agreement to be mainstreamed in COP21 and the post 2015 Sustainable Development Goals…. Read more

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Informations et opinions
CSW 59 : La mise Á  l’écart de la société civile préoccupe

New York: L’ouverture de la 59e conférence de la Commission sur la Condition de la Femme des Nations Unies a marqué les esprits de deux façons. Il y a d’abord eu le fait que le secrétaire général des Nations Unies, Ban Ki Moon, et la directrice d’ONU Femmes, Phumzile Mlambo Nqcuka, se sont joints Á  la marche organisée Á  la veille de l’ouverture et qui aura attiré plus de 2000 délégués Á  cette importante conférence. Ce geste a démontré l’accès accru des Nations Unies envers la société civile et les groupes de féministes. En contraste, cette même bienveillance a fait défaut durant la rédaction de la Déclaration politique signée par les représentants des gouvernements et qui devait être adoptée lors de la première journée de la conférence. … Read more

«Nous sommes dans la dynamique de passer du dire au faire »

Depuis le 15e Sommet de la Francophonie qui s’est tenu en novembre dernier Á  Dakar au Sénégal, l’égalité des sexes, qui a toujours compté pour l’Organisation Internationale de la Francophonie (OIF), a pris une dimension transversale. Hary Andriamboavonyjy, directrice Á  la coordination régionale et Á  la transversalité depuis septembre 2013 fait le point sur cette question de transversalité. … Read more

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Drivers of Change blogs
CSW59: Day 2- Issues of maternal health unpacked by Nyasha Mazango

Today I was at the UN Church Centre at 9:30am. I attended a session on sexual reproductive health rights programmes spearheaded by the United Methodist Church in Zimbabwe and the Latin American and Caribbean Region. Presentations highlighted that there is no family planning in the Latin American and Caribbean Regions. In Zimbabwe the representative of UMC had programmes going and shared lessons learnt. It was clear that the Zimbabwean government with its Village Health Workers programme have created a community based facility which stand in for government to provide sexual health care services. But village women who are supposed to receive the education argue that the village health workers were not being paid for more than three months…. Read more

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GL at CSW 59

Tuesday 10 March 2015
UN Church Centre Building
Gender Links and the SGPA will hosting a side event to discuss the development of agender responsive implementation framework for the post 2015 agenda and the importance of strong indicators and targets.

Thursday 12 March 2015
10.00 À“ 11.15 am
Women and the Media: Advancing Critical Area of Concern J* of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
Download more information

Google hangouts

Thursday 12 March 2015
11.30 am

GL News Service will be hosting a Google Hangout to discuss the need to achievegender equality in and through the media and how GL is pushing the envelope by conducting baseline research on the representation of people of diverse sexual orientations and genderidentities in the media across three regions of Africa.
Follow us on Facebook and visit our website to get the details.

Alliance Demands
Alliance Post-2015 Demands

  • Conduct a thorough and honest review of the last seven years, and use this to reposition for 2030.
  • Ensure that allgender provisions of the SDG’s are incorporated.
  • Go further than the SDGs on gender, media and ICTs.
  • Strengthen the sustainable development provisions of the SADC GenderProtocol.
  • Strengthen the rights-based language in the SADC GenderProtocol.
  • Remove contradictions and anomalies around custom, tradition and religion.
  • Adopt an implementation framework with strong genderdisaggregated indicators.
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