CSW 59, Newsletter 13 March 2015

Date: March 13, 2015
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Think global, act local… why the SADC Gender Protocol must move with the times…
13 March 2015
Table of contents

News and Opinion

Informations et opinions
CSW 59: Pour atteindre l’égalité dans les médias, il faut agir Á  l’interne et Á  l’externe
CSW 59: “Les femmes sont réduites au silence par les principaux médias »

Drivers of Change blogs
CSW59: Day 4- Through to Cambodia, Australia and India by Nyasha Mazango
CSW59: Day 3- Moving the agenda forward for women and girls by Jean-Max Appanah


Google hangouts

Alliance Demands

2015, Yes we must!
See also…

News and Opinion
CSW59: Gender equality in 700 years?!

New York, 13 March: At a CSW59 session called, “Women and the Media: Advancing Critical Area of Concern J* of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action”, held yesterday at the UN headquarters yesterday, Geena Davis- Academy Award-Winning Actor and Founder of the Geena Davis Institute on Gender in Media said, “To achieve gender equality the enormous impact the media has on our unconscious biases that impact both men and women needs to be addressed immediately.”… Read more

CSW59: Gender, media and communication are intrinsic to who we are!

New York, 13 March: Twenty years ago, I was a young journalist working for the New Dehli-based Women’s Feature Service, producing a daily newspaper in Beijing. We had no E Mail yet. We had to go by bus from Hourou, about three hours away, to the main UN meeting , to file our stories. There we found various conservative forces hard at work rolling back the fragile gains made by women. So much has changed, yet so much remains the same! … Read more

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Informations et opinions
CSW 59: Pour atteindre l’égalité dans les médias, il faut agir Á  l’interne et Á  l’externe

New York, 13 mars : Il est possible d’obtenir l’égalité entre les sexes dans les médias et Á  travers les médias. Pour cela, il faut agir Á  l’interne comme Á  l’externe. C’est ce qui est ressorti jeudi d’une des sessions de la CSW 59 intitulée “Les femmes et les médias: faire avancer un domaine de préoccupation critique, la section J de la déclaration et de la plateforme d’action de BeijingÀ. … Read more

CSW 59: “Les femmes sont réduites au silence par les principaux médias »

Les activistes du genre attendaient beaucoup des Objectifs du Développement Durable, suite logique des Objectifs du Millénaire pour le développement (OMD) qui arrivent Á  échéance en 2015. Or, lorsque les mouvements de femmes et les journalistes qui croient dans la représentation égale de la femme et de l’homme dans les médias ont pris connaissance des ODD, ils ont réalisé qu’aucun d’eux n’a trait au genre et les médias. Les membres de la Global Alliance on Media and Gender (GAMAG), réseau mondial des médias constitué lors d’une rencontre organisée par l’UNESCO en décembre 2013 Á  Bangkok en ThaÁ¯lande, ont décidé d’ouvrir un front et de tout faire pour qu’un ODD soit consacré au genre et aux médias. … Read more

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Drivers of Change blogs
CSW59: Day 4- Through to Cambodia, Australia and India by Nyasha Mazango

I rushed to the Malawian Embassy for the Alliance Meeting. The meeting brought the members to tackle issues in a more relaxed way. After the meeting we took a breather and were addressed by the Minster of Gender of Malawi. She was jovial and made us feel proud as a region. After mid-day, I managed to attend a session on “Response of Violence Against Women” which was chaired by the Executive Director for UN Women Phumzile Ngcuka. The session was interesting and conducted in question-answer manner. …Read more

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GL at CSW 59

Tuesday 10 March 2015
UN Church Centre Building
Gender Links and the SGPA will hosting a side event to discuss the development of a gender responsive implementation framework for the post 2015 agenda and the importance of strong indicators and targets.

Thursday 12 March 2015
10.00 À“ 11.15 am
Women and the Media: Advancing Critical Area of Concern J* of the Beijing Declaration and Platform for Action
Download more information

Google hangouts

Thursday 12 March 2015
11.30 am

GL News Service will be hosting a Google Hangout to discuss the need to achieve gender equality in and through the media and how GL is pushing the envelope by conducting baseline research on the representation of people of diverse sexual orientations and gender identities in the media across three regions of Africa.
Follow us on Facebook and visit our website to get the details.

Alliance Demands
Alliance Post-2015 Demands

  • Conduct a thorough and honest review of the last seven years, and use this to reposition for 2030.
  • Ensure that all gender provisions of the SDG’s are incorporated.
  • Go further than the SDGs on gender, media and ICTs.
  • Strengthen the sustainable development provisions of the SADC Gender Protocol.
  • Strengthen the rights-based language in the SADC Gender Protocol.
  • Remove contradictions and anomalies around custom, tradition and religion.
  • Adopt an implementation framework with strong gender disaggregated indicators.
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