Economic Justice: An empowerment pathway to ending violence against women

Economic Justice: An empowerment pathway to ending violence against women

Date: January 9, 2015
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The prevalence of Gender Based Violence continues to undermine the personal and public lives of women in abusive relationships. Economic dependence on abusive partners is the primary reason that women stay in such relationships. There is a need to explore the hypothesis that economic independence can reduce GBV.

This policy brief will describe the impediments to women’s economic empowerment in the SADC region and outline strategy and policy issues that need to be urgently addressed in order to effectively empower women and thereby make progress towards ending violence against women. Political will manifest in strong leadership is critical in order to seriously tackle violence against women and deliver economic justice to women and girls.


Download : Policy Brief - Economic Justice

2 thoughts on “Economic Justice: An empowerment pathway to ending violence against women”

Gabrielle says:

You are so awesome for helping me solve this myryset.

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