Roadmap to Equality, 15 August 2014

Date: August 18, 2014
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As South Africa commemorates Women’s Month, GLNS brings you stories from the region that celebrate women and advance the struggle for gender equality.

Southern Africa: Education crucial for equality and development
Johannesburg, 15 August: As global and local consultations on an education and training framework…Read more
Priya Hein: une Mauricienne qui jongle avec ses multiples vies Á  la perfection
Autrefois, la femme africaine n’était qu’un simple pion au sein de la cellule familiale que… Read more
Moçambique: Cantora Moçambicana projecta trabalhar em prol do bem-estar das raparigas
Maputo, 15 de Agosto: Uma das poucas cantoras profissionais de Moçambique, Melita Matsinhe… Read more
Southern Africa: Not yet economic Uhuru for women
Johannesburg, 15 August: Women’s month commemorations in South Africa create ripple effects… Read more
Thérèse Kirongozi : la marraine du « robot roulage intelligent » Á  Kinshasa
Depuis presque une année, les Kinois, habitants de Kinshasa, capitale de la République… Read more
África do Sul: Oscar Pistorius! Longe da mulher abusada
Joannesburg, 9 de Agosto: Ainda no limiar da estação fria e no mês da mulher sul-africana,… Read more
South Africa: Women of Marikana speak out
Johannesburg, 15 August: South Africa commemorates the second anniversary of the Marikana… Read more
Botswana: “We need to educate women!”
Gaborone, Aug 15, 2014: Gender Links is celebrating women during August, and has just published…Read more
Lesotho: Forced into marriage
Sometimes one would think that it is a punishment to be a woman from the things that our…Read more

SADC Gender Protocol Alliance Take the SADC post 2015 survey SADC Gender Protocol 2014 Barometer

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