Regional GJLG Summit 2012 Winners

Regional GJLG Summit 2012 Winners

Date: May 9, 2012
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How do councils/ institutions/ organisations work to ensure that GBV does not occur? This category includes strategic and innovative communication campaigns and initiatives, specific GBV campaigns and 16 Days campaigns, including cyber dialogues during the 16 Days this award will go to the council/ institution and organisation who host the best innovative cyber dialogue during the 16 Days period and who hosts a 16 Days activity that demonstrates impact. 16 entries have been submitted.
Winner: Liz Frank (Women’s Leadership Centre, Namibia)
Case study: Women’s Voices Project
Citation: Very well thought through programme that places women at the centre. Deals with difficult subjects and empower women to liberation. Fantastic and excellent project! One of the judges was very humbled and pointed out that the project is simply excellent.

Runner up: Glen Mhango (Polokwane Municipality, South Africa)
Case study: Involving men in ending Gender Based Violence
Citations: The case study clearly demonstrates the importance of involving men in ending gender-based violence. It is an initiative that shows that aims to change behavior and attitudes in a municipality.

Response to GBV at local level – what do councils/ institutions/ organisations do to advance legal literacy, work with local police, etc. to ensure redress for victims? How do you respond to GBV? Nine entries have been submitted.

Winner: Bosao Monyamane (Lesotho Counselling Unit, Lesotho)
Case Study: Provides counseling for survivors of abuse
Citation: Provided best practice model of providing safety for children who are survivors by implementing services and assistance defined by children themselves. They tackle GBV through the lens of children and generate awareness through through child specific strategies,, which are informed by children. They have through innovative approaches that involve children in decision making positions; monitoring and evaluation. They are exciting methods such as children focus groups and newsletter for kids while ensuring sustainability through child managed income generation projects. The quality of treatment, care and response has been taken to another level through the creativity of children in their area, lifting the bar of excellence and service delivery in relation to GBV.

Runner up: Gilberto Macuacua (Associacao para a Promocao do Desenvolvimento Social, Mozambique)
Case Study: A man who is a man, a television programme that demystifies masculinity in Mozambique
Citation: For creative use of technology and media to dismantle obstacles and barriers that define negative masculinities. They have lifted the importance of behavious change of men from an invisible issue to an issue that is part of natural psych and discourse. They have started a movement of change that brings men and women from all walks of life together as part of collective change and vision to redefine Mozambique society and social norms. They have implemented lessons learnt which has resulted in cost effective replication from the macro level to micro level.

Support around GBV at local level – how do we support those who have experienced GBV. 12 entries have been submitted.

Winner: Thatatsothe Nwokoro (Botswana Police Service, Botswana)
Case study: “Break the Silence” Campaign and psychosocial support and counseling services
Citation: Excellent project! The presentation was clear and it flowed well. The project will have a huge impact in Botswana and will be felt across the country. Further, the project is well thought through and hopefully this will be replicated in the whole region. The project demonstrates a high level of commitment and responsiveness of the police force/establishment with commitment of funds, personnel to receive trauma counselling and support in order to be better to serve.

Runner up: Jeannoda Norotiana (Antananarivo Municipal Council, Madagascar)
Case Study: Support and facilitation of medical and legal assistance of women economic migration victims
Citation: Group identified that Madagascar is used as a “gateway” for human trafficking. The project is very relevant to today’s world and the project was well presented with visual aids and statistics to articulate its relevance. Above all, the presenter demonstrated that she knows the project very well.

HIV/AIDS and Care Work: at the local level, what are councils doing to support care-givers including advocating for the involvement of men. 15 entries have been submitted.

Winner: Precious Mutsetse (Chiredzi Town Council, Zimbabwe)
Case Study: Male involvement in prevention, care and support to combat HIV and AIDS
Citation: The presentation was statistically sound with tables, graphs and action plans enabling it to be a clear presentation, which was well explained. The presenter did a good job with the material she was presenting. It was an excellent presentation all together.

Runner Up: Palmira Velasco (Associcao da Mulher na Comunicacao Social, Mozambique)
Case study: Local language radio programmes on HIV and AIDS in the community
Citation: The programme is being implemented to provide accurate HIV and AIDS information for communities to respond to the deaths of their children. The information is being provided in a local language at community level. The organisation takes media (through radio listenership) to the rural areas where they record their discussion with the communities. It is a very creative concept. Excellent job.

CATEGORY FIVE: Local Economic Development
Local Economic Development: including youth economic empowerment and empowerment of women – at local level to enhance the ability of young women to take control of their lives. 14 entries have been submitted.

Winner: Lydia Sambo Muvindi (Katete District Council, Zambia)
Case Study: Mainstreaming gender in the Department of Veterinary and Livestock Developmen
Citation: An excellent project, which has grown without donor support! The business has grown from 2 entities to 17. The project targets women and men, boys and girls a thing that assures the initiatives’ sustainability.

Runner up: Elsie Nowases (Arandis Town Council, Namibia)
Case study: Empowering women through garden projects
Citation: The project demonstrates that great ideas start with one’s drive and passion to remove oneself from the cultures of oppression. The project draws an interesting link between economy and health. Enviro-desert and water challenges as articulated by the presenter make this project more interesting.

CATEGORY SIX: Youth Leadership
Youth leadership, including junior local councils and young women actively engaged in local government/ politics who show particular innovation and dedication to ending GBV at the local level. Four entries have been submitted.

Winner: Sharonice Busch – (Polytechnic of Namibia, Namibia)
Case study: Young women leadership
Citation: The presenter is very articulate, has very good presentation skills and is highly aware of her agenda. The speaker will go a long way in decision-making processes.

Runner Up: Julio Albino Langa – (REDE HOPEM, Mozambique)
Case study: Man for change Campaign
Citation: This leader is able to use opportunities availed by national events to discuss GBV .The project uses creative initiatives as part of creating awareness on GBV. There is the use of a multi media approach that includes the use of television, radio and print to mobilise men to champion GBV in Mozambique. There are very good campaign messages and the presenter has very good presentation skills.

Individuals What role is being played by women and men in championing the processes of gender mainstreaming at the local level? Seven entries have been submitted.

Winner: Shadreck Mudala Mwiinga (Mazabuka Municipal Council, Zambia)
Case study: Drama group for community sensitisation on GBV
Citation: A long-time advocate and change agent in favour of justice for vulnerable groups in society including people living with HIV and AIDS at community level. There is evidence of ownership and thus potential for sustainability beyond the project sustainability. Also involving married couples which is a very good initiative in bringing men on board thereby reducing violence through sensitization and better understanding by partners and men. Mwiinga’s presentation skills are impressive.

Runner up: Angeline Toto Arne (Antanamitarana, Madagascar)
Case Study: Agriculture for Development
Citation: This project addresses child labour as well as issues affecting the elderly. She has helped stop the practice of viewing girls as income generating projects. There is a dedicated volunteer working on this project. The presenter made use of great visuals and presentation aids. She did an evaluation and assessment exercise and came up with an action plan. She also initiated the community capacity building training programme. The PTA pays for pre-school and secondary school teachers

Gender and governance: programmes and campaigns to prepare women for political office and elections and support their effective participation as well as programmes and campaigns supporting men gender champions. Five entries have been submitted.

Winner: Shenaz Sooba (Gabriel Martiel Community Development Associato, Mauritius)
Case Study: 50/ 50 Campaign with religious groups
Citation: The project is very empowering to women. The presenter is very energetic and seems to understand what she has been doing. They have used a multipronged approach to address gender issues. There is a lot of transparency, accountability, ownership and evidence.

Runner Up: Raymond Havwala (Young Women Christian Association – Men’s Network, Zambia)
Case study: Campaign for female political candidates
Citation: The project is a very creative project and can be sustained over time. The presenter adequately responded to the questions relayed to him

CATEGORY NINE: Climate Change
Climate change and sustainable development: projects at the local government level that address the gender dimensions of climate change. Seven entries have been submitted.

Winner: Angele Liditte (Antanamitarana Municipal Council – Madagascar)
Case Study: Awareness raising on climate change
Citation: Gave the community access to clean water and the whole community including the chief responded positively. This is a sustainable project that has resulted in a decrease in child mortality rates. This project is an excellent example of climate change adaptation. The fact that the presenter is a young woman is a clear confirmation of empowerment.

Runner up: Ruben Munien (Municipality of Curepipe – Mauritius)
Case study: Climate Change Action Plan
Citation: This is a wonderful and excellent project. Rueben’s presentation skills are also very impressive. Ruben was able to adequately answer all the questions posed to him showing confidence and knowledge of the subject matter.

CATEGORY TEN: Local Government Centre’s of Excellence
COEs – This award is for the council/s that demonstrate/s the greatest commitment to ending GBV and COE councils that have made the greatest progress and have completed stages 1 – 10. 22 entries have been submitted.

Winner: Capricorn District Municipality-South Africa
Case study: Development of campaigns to raise awareness against GBV
Citation: What stands in this COE is the equal representation of women and men in decision-making structures. This municipality has designed training programmes to build men and women’s capacity at all levels. There are also specific training programmes designed specifically for councilors. The annual report provided shows evidence of various initiatives to mainstream gender. There are also plans to mainstream gender in all policies. The council has allocated funds to public awareness campaigns. For example the council has set aside R380 000 for GBV campaign.

Runner up: Commune Rurale Ialananindro – Madagascar
Case study: Improving living conditions of vulnerable people
Citation: This council make provisions for gender budgeting in its budget. For example there is a budgetary allocation to fighting GBV. Council leadership has given buy-in to this process with the Mayor being one of the gender champions. This council has also ensured that women and men participate equally in meetings. Council also participates in initiatives such as the 16 Days of activism campaign.

Judges commendations

The judges nominated the five people below. They presented brilliant case studies but they did not make it to the winning list.

  • Eddy Jolicoeur, Mauritius (The campaign addresses the root causes of violence against women in Mauritius)
  • Vainess Phiri, Zambia (The project provides legal education, psychosocial counseling and advocacy issues to abused women in Katete)
  • Meghanaiyegee Veerachetty, Mauritius (Stand Up campaign for women)
  • Flory Kolobe, Lesotho (Provides counseling for orphans and vulnerable people)
  • Nosphesihle Mdziniso, Swaziland (Reaches out to vulnerable children)

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