Kopanong Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa
23 – 25 April 2012
This report covers the third regional Gender Justice and Local Government Summit and Awards that brought together 282 participants from 10 Southern African countries at the Kopanong Hotel, Johannesburg, South Africa from 23 – 25 April 2012. Under the banner “365 days of local action to end violence and empower women” the summit and awards brought together journalists, local government authorities, municipalities, NGOs and representatives of ministries of gender and local government. The summit focused on achieving 50% women in all areas of decision making through the Southern African Development Community (SADC) Protocol on Gender and Development and Gender, Climate Change and Sustainable Development at the local level in light of the Addendum to the SADC Protocol on Climate Change being petitioned.
Download : Regional summit report
Comment on Report: Gender Justice and Local Government Summit 2012