SA Barometer 2013: Chapter 4 Productive resources ...
SA Barometer 2013: Chapter 4 Productive resources and employment
Date: December 13, 2013
Key points
There are 23% women in key economic decision making in productive resources
Percentage of women employed by race: 30.8% Black African women; 43.2% Coloured women; 40.2% Indian/Asian women; 56.1 White women
55.0% women are involved in “market onlyÀ economic activities
37.8% women are involved in “non-market onlyÀ economic activities
South Africa’s proportion of population below $1.00 (PPP) per day is at 4.0% as at 2011; and that of less than per day is at 16.8% in the same year
South Africa’s employment-to-population ratio, which is a proportion of the country’s working-age population that is employed is at 34.6% for females and 47.4% for males
The percentage of females in non-agriculture sector wage employments was 45% as at 2012
5.4% of women earn R 16,000.00+; compared to 11.0% men the same earning bracket
17.1% women directors in 2012
21.4% women executive managers in 2012
Time Use Survey of 2010 showed that women spent 229 minutes per day on unpaid care work compared to 97 minutes per day spent by men
The SGDI for productive resources is 78% which puts the country at number six out of the 15 SADC countries.
The citizens scored the government 75% in their efforts to reach the 2015 target, ranking second place.
13% of women benefited from the land reform programmes in the period 1994-2007
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