Senior Citizens mark Father’s Day

Date: June 29, 2011
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Name of the article: Senior Citizens mark Father’s Day

Name of Publication: The Herald

Name of Author: Tawanda Mudimu

Date: 20 June 2011

Theme: Housing

Skill: Events vs. Issues

Genre: Feature

GEM Classification: Gender Aware


YESU amabwela, Pan’ono, Yesu amabwela. “(Jesus will come, only time will tell, Yes Jesus is coming).This is a verse from popular Nyanja song

The song became spot on as a joyous mood engulfed the Christian Marching Old People’s Home in Marondera on Saturday as senior citizens from the centre prepared to celebrate Father’s Day.

Well-wishers from various walks of life always visit the place. But on this day it was something special. The visitors would help them make the celebrations a reality by showing them with presents, donations as well as love

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