Sixteen Days Monitoring 2004:Mauritius Report

Date: March 15, 2010
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This report is the second in a series of quarterly “Mirror on the Media” surveys being carried out by the Media Watch Organisation in Mauritius. It covers monitoring conducted over two phases during November and December 2004. The first phase took place before the Sixteen Days of Activism Campaign, from the 1st to the 16th November 2004 and the second phase during the campaign, from 25th November to 10th December 2004.


During the campaign, NGOs in Mauritius co-ordinated by MWO mounted a high profile campaign and worked closely with the media. For example, MWO gave the media a list of activists who could talk on a variety of gender violence issues and distributed the Directory of Women’s Sources produced by MWO.

Media monitored included a combination of print (dailies and weeklies) and electronic, public and private media, with the inclusion of tabloids: l’Express, Le Mauricien, WeekEnd, 5-Plus, MBC Radio, Radio One, Radio Plus and MBC TV were monitored.


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