South Africa:Thembakazi Ngemntu: Followup Entrepreneurship I story.

Date: November 12, 2015
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Written by: Thembakazi Ngemntu; I started in Phase 2 and I wasn’t aware how to do a business plan by myself. But now I know where to start and I am learning more and more information and skills from Gender Links. At the year 2014, I did not attend any training as I was not aware that there was training scheduled. To me this training gives me power to stand by myself not to depend on anyone else. I would like to grow my business by registering it and getting a tax clearance. My challenge is to see my business growing is not have money as a have big dreams. I was doing nothing on before the workshop but now I’m working for Angels Community Services. I now know where I am today. I have experienced violence from my husband. We fight a lot about money. He likes to have fun all the time and does not think/buy anything for the house hold and the debts we have. These days we can talk about our problems as adults and mostly I am the one who has to initiate the talking as he is quiet and shy but he drinks a lot and I don’t want to fight in front of the kids as it will affect them at school. I want my kids to live a happy life. Sometimes people in the community ask me for advice because they know my story and how things have changed. The community is happy for me and my family. As a member of the neighbourhood watch if I can see something wrong, I would call the police.
I have learned to be strong and stand up for myself as a woman. My plan is to see myself having a big house and a car. In 2030 I want to be spending time with my family and my business growing. Yes, Gender Links means a lot to me, it gives me power and to communicate effectively and be able to talk and the problems I am facing.

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