Varsity College

Date: January 1, 1970
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In the advert, Varsity College is marketing its programmes to prospective learners. The advert shows 2 female and 2 male students from diverse racial backgrounds. Below the picture is an insert showing programmes that the college is offering.The strap line reads: “More than just a student.À

This advertisement may be used to:
1. Show how men and women can be treated as equals in adverts.
2. Highlight how advertisements can demonstrate positive gender role models, i.e. higher education for men and women.
3. Start a discussion on access to higher education for both genders.
Trainer’s notes
In the Mirror on the Media Advertising research conducted by GL male groups observed that the advert is balanced in terms of gender representation. It shows two male and two female students. All members of the group agreed that the advert targets both male and female would-be students. The female group concurred that by showing both male and female students, the varsity is driving across the message that men and women have the same capabilities when it comes to education and should be given equal learning opportunities. One participant felt that showing one female student in trendy clothes says that if you are a woman you have to appear your best at all times. Other participants felt that there was nothing wrong with that as the young woman is just wearing what any other youth wears these days.
This is a gender aware advert that balances women and men in terms of representation. This advert is targeting both sexes and does not refer to women and men separately. The advert dispels the notion that men are more intelligent than women. The advert relates to the service being advertised.
Discussion Questions
1. What are some gender barriers to equal access to post-secondary education.?
2. What is the importance of positive role models for young people, to encourage both male and female students to continue their studies?
Training exercises
1. Send participants out to a nearby campus. Ask them to find out what proportion of women and men are enrolled and in what subjects. Are there any gender gaps or biases? Interview students on the campus. What do they say about this? Interview authorities? In what ways are they consciously encouraging women and men a) to apply and b) to go into different kinds of occupations than those traditionally assigned to women and men?
2. Research gender statistics related to enrollement in education institutions.
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