Women against women Abuse (WAWA), South Africa

Date: June 7, 2010
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47 thoughts on “Women against women Abuse (WAWA), South Africa”

sandanezwe says:

there is still more to be done in south africa about women abuse. we as women are beaten by males that we dont even know and when we press charges at police stations we are not taken seriously. and our cases are not even handled well, as a result our abusers walk free!!!

penny says:

True right now I was strangled buy my husband but I can’t go to the police station coz I’ll be a joke

Tommy Khoza says:

Can you please send me telephone numbers of the marketing and communication officer or CEO of WAWA.

We would like to propose a partnering relationship regarding our annual program for raising awareness on women and child abuse in Limpop province during the 16 days of activism campaign

Looking forward

Tommy Khoza
marketing manager
Black House Wives League
084 982 3663

Dottie Marsh says:

Hi there…may i please have a NPO number for WAWA SA …

Nyamweda says:

About WAWA Support Group Women Against Women And Children Abuse

WAWA Support Group Women Against Women And Children Abuse is located in Gauteng, Toekomsrus and address is at Toekomsrus Police Station Retief Street.Phone is 116,937,200.Areas of interest includes: Law, Advocacy, and Politics.
– See more at: http://www.tutsea.co.za/organisations/4491/wawa-support-group-women-against-women-and-children-abuse#sthash.RWqg0GIM.dpuf

gerhsrd says:

My daughter has a court case pending against a male friend.there seems to be no support for these victims. Who can support them in court? ANCWL?

s n lalla says:

I have a friend who is in an abusive relationship. She wants to get out but does not know how. We’ve tried POWA but can’t seem to get anywhere. Can u perhaps help? She is desperate!!

Kulane says:

the biggest problem is that women will always be afraid to report abuse as there is not a trust relationship with the police

sindi mkhize says:

kindly advise if WAWA have offices in Durban, Abahlali Basemjondolo movement of South Africa women’s league looking for an organisation which can help people affected with all kinds of abuse in our communities.

Musa Dlamini says:

Can WAWA please help my mother in law she’s being verbally abused by her husband,her depression is on another level please……..

Ben says:

I know a woman who is so badly abused. She is so scared of him. He feeds her Cocaine, and has made her a drug addict. If I show you the photo’s you will cringe. Can I report it to SAPS on her behalf. He keeps her as a prisoner in his house.

Karen Nel says:

Homeless Shelters in CAPE Town especially Haven Night Shelters are abusing the homeless woman many with drug alcohol addiction Management male in these places are trading sexual favours for food chlothes or not jailing these woman when they arrive at shelters intoxicated or drugged If they sleep with the supervisors they are spared assualt and sexual abuse in jail at Central police station,CAPE Town working with Haven Shelters If not they are ABUSED in jail I have facts evidence to prove all Human rights orgarnisations in CAPE Town turn a blind eye to this very sick situation wish someone would care enough for these poor woman to investigate

sibusiso says:

#guns down against woman abuse
My name is Fighter, I need help
I have a friend who is currently been abused in every way possible.she was raped when she was young,and was helped by a royal family that made a deal with her family that when she get ‘s older,she will get married to their son.Who is protected by a group called (Iyinkabi)Zulu name. So now she’s been running for her life and unfortunately,She was captured June 2016 last month.She doesn’t want to get married to the other guy and she’s been forced too,By her family and the royal family.Now that she didn’t want too,18 July 2016 I found out that she was raped again and bitten up again and again.I was informed by someone who she trusted inside,he’s been updating me about her state of health and she is not doing well at all.also he’s concerned that she was threatened that if she tried to run away or tell anyone she will be killed .as I’m writing this she’s hospitalized fighting for her life,she can’t talk or move.I need help anyone out there please.

Nyamweda says:

Please kindly contact POWA. They can offer great assistance on the matter. Telephonic Support
Contact number: 011 642 4345/6
Email: itumeleng@powa.co.za
Counselling Support
POWA provides the following services to women who have experienced violence:
Individual face-to-face counselling
Group counselling and telephonic counselling
Short-term sheltering

Need urgent assistance from a person who is harassing my family.my mother wife sister children etc.

My name is Ms. Kenole Legote Content Producer. I would like a representative from Wawa who can speaks Setswana/Northern Sotho/Southern Sotho to join in our discussion for tomorrow morning at 10h22-10h35. We will discuss “Effects of abuse” in our Women’s health features.

Hoping that this email finds you in

Desiree says:

Please can you help me my father is a pastor and no one believes me. Me my brothers and sisters have been physically and sexually abused for so many years by this evil man he still has a church my mother died and he has remarried no I have suffered terrible trauma because of the abuse

Morning, do you have offices in Bloemfontein? Is there a possibility of establishing one . I have also realised that the church is also commanding the problem because they encourage women to have faith and pray more . They quote a scripture that their husband may change because of their conduct 1 Peter 3:1. My niece is abusive relationship but we don’t have or know organisation that help them


pheliswa says:

I’m pheliswa I’m in a abusive relations up fr many years ,this guy its taking advantage just because I’m not working well mi cant pay my own rent n look for my own kids last nyt? I wx neatly loose my teeth ,if I cn get a shrltr plc fr m n my kids please help m where yo go

Anonymous says:

Hi all I’m also in a abusive relationship when ever I try to leave I become a punching bag

Glenda says:

I would really like to volunteer for a NGO against woman abuse, how can I go abou it?

Nombulelo says:

I was physically abused by my boyfriend 2016 August 29.I was 4 months pregnant by then. I reported the case to the police,it’s still pending. I need counselling. May WAWA intervene so to get help for counselling and counselling fees will be paid by the abuser. WAWA please help me I need counselling because each time such video of abuse flashes my mind. Now the baby is born,I don’t want to have tears or sad before her.

Nyamweda says:

So sorry about your experience Nombulelo
Please kindly contact POWA. They can offer great assistance on the matter. Telephonic Support
Contact number: 011 642 4345/6
Email: itumeleng@powa.co.za
Counselling Support
POWA provides the following services to women who have experienced violence:
Individual face-to-face counselling
Group counselling and telephonic counselling
Short-term sheltering

Lesedi says:

Good day. I am an Editor for UNRECO digital magazine. We would like a representative from your organization to talk about domestic abuse and crimes of passion.


Ikno a 9years old girl was Ben rapping by is stap brother of 20years old please halp me to found where to reported this case

Nyamweda says:

Please kindly go to the police station to report the case. Go to the station commander and tell him/her that i have a case and one of the officers is saying it is a lie without even attempting to investigate


Because I try go to the police station close to the place of rap the officer I meet told me DAT case was lie but no body was reported DAT rap case only ikno the father of boy is retch man and FREIND of those police so the cover DAT family please halp me to found where to go reported this rap of 9years old girl DAT was Ben destroyed by 20years older stap brother

Nthabi says:

Hi, my sister shes being abused by her boyfriend , he keeps on beating her all the time , even in front of her kids . the last time the boyfriend strangled her that she almost lost her life . she doesn’t want to live the boyfriend she says she loves him but i fear that hes going to end up keeling her because it doesn’t stop . how do we help her see that the boyfriend doesn’t love her because the boyfriend has a wife . please help in anyway you can or refer me to the right people that will be able to help.

Thank You

Nyamweda says:

HI Ntabi.
Please kindly contact POWA. They can offer great assistance on the matter. Telephonic Support
Contact number: 011 642 4345/6
Email: itumeleng@powa.co.za
Counselling Support
POWA provides the following services to women who have experienced violence:
Individual face-to-face counselling
Group counselling and telephonic counselling
Short-term sheltering

Reece says:

Please can you help, my sister made a case against her hubby after him beating her, he was locked up and then a protection order was served and concluded that he shud not go home. He counter charged and she was arrested for abuse. she goes to court weekly and there’s always a issue, no legal aid , no doc…ect come back next week. She complained to state advocate because this is causing issues at working staying off so much,who told her she was not special women get abused all the time and sit there for years. He said sit down and stop working on my nerves. when she tried to tell the judge what happened she advised that they were not there for counselling purposes. The husband keeps applying for a setting aside of this protection order. causing her more time in court even though the divorce will be final soon. What can we do? the justice system is letting us down.

Thembelihle says:

I’m the lady at the age of 26 years old, last week Monday and Tuesday i was physical abused by the boyfriend he claim that I was chatting for two days ( Monday and Tuesday) he was abusing me and lock da door when he was going to work. I had bruises even when I please for the apology he keep on hitting me and told me that as long i am still alive he will make sure that he abuse me after that he twisted my neck i couldn’t breath than he let go of me when I was bleeding. His family ask me not to open the case and their will give me money of which I didn’t agree with that and his family is angry case I want at police station to open the case. Everywhere I go i have a fear, I’m doing my final year at the college I’m looking focus in everything I am doing even at home I can’t focus i even think of killing my self. Please help me I’m in need for help and also counselling, i live at Durban.

Thabile says:

I’m Thabile based in Durban. I’m a victim of abuse too. Can we meet? I need young women like me to share my story with but I don’t know any organisation I can go to. My no: 0608747026

Fikile says:

Can wawa help my mother who his son is abusing her . The son is mentally ill we tried the police social workers and we even tried to send him to mental hospital he is refusing to go when we tried the police to help us they can’t assist us my mother is 68 years and his son is 45 years . Last year he left my mom house and told my mom he will come and fetch his stuff . Instead of coming to fetch his stuff he send my mom to a small court claim . My mom is going to court on the 08 of March 2018 .last year he tried to stab her with a knife and we call the police and he went to the hospital and they released him it’s when he told us he is not crazy he won’t go to the home were mental people stay . He took his clothes and told us he is coming to fetch other staff until my mother got a letter to come to court . Can you pls help I’m not staying with my mom

thabile says:

I would like to meet other women im a victim of abuse im in Durban

abuse survivor says:

hello thabile

i am a survivor of domestic abuse my ex husband almost killed me he destroyed my mind my soul and almost my body… i survived it you can too … anyone can.you gotta fight for ur right as HIS women,get out NO MATTER WHAT GET OUT THERE R WAYS AND MEANS , TRUST ME ON THIS STAND STRONG EMAIL ME IM ALWAYS READY TO LISTEN

abuse survivor says:



I need urgent help , 3 males are abusing me financially , by using my property for their gain , Iam a widow , I trusted an edtate agent with my property to rent out , but Iam not getting rent money , they are insulting , false accusations etc against me , I need help its 2 black males and 1 white South african , I fear for my life

Robert says:

Does anyone know of any shelters for abused women one of my friends was abused now she is on the streets of Johannesburg she is in a bad place now she does not have money to pay for a room yet so she has to live on the streets of Johannesburg she is trying to find a shelter for abused women

Zanele says:


I’ve been in an abusive relationship for years now, I feel stuck because I’m not even working he’s the sole provider of the family. I tried looking for my own place but ended up giving up because I won’t afford. We have two kids together and unfortunately they are also affected by this because they witness the abuse. Please help

Phumula makhubu says:

Help my mother is 82years old and inDuna is depriving her inherited farming land from her late husband. 082 422 7426

Daniel Matsunyane says:

Good day, I am a man resident of Westonaria South, a new area which is still under development. I am currently assisting the women in Westonaria Borwa to compile and register NPO`s in order to have some legality to assist the Borwa community. Please help us with the objectives of an NPO Constitution for a WAWA organisation. Your assistance will be highly appreciated.

Anisa says:

I’m from Durban and relocated to JHB as my ex wouldn’t leave me in peace, it was a very toxic relationship and he tried in every way to get me back by making excuses not to pay maintenance for my 3 children, seeing that he could afford to see to them, lives in a rent free home and not abusive towards them, eventually i had to send them back to him and i had to make it out there whilst still in Durban and got to see them weekends only, but he continued then to harass my colleagues, superiors and I in order to get me fired, thankfully my company were made aware of the situation as i had a protection order against him, nothing seemed to have bothered him as it seemed he just need me there to be his punching bag and got a ‘kick’ out of it, that is when i decided to resign and right out of Durban, my children were fine as long as they did not have to listen and witness the abuse that went on day after day, though it was a huge sacrifice leaving my job, my children, coming to a place no friends or family just someone who was only able to help me for a month. Yes i struggled for a while, but through prayer, faith and staying positive I didn’t stop looking for a job. people said i wont get one, but not only did i get a job but i get to study as well. the sad thing though is I’m unable to see my children or speak as he is now spreading rumors and stating I’m not seeing to the children financially, actually I am just not sending him anything into his bank account and that what makes him frustrated he can’t beat me up any longer, abuse my money and has no control over me, i have requested he forward me the documents to enroll my children in schools in JHB but he hasn’t instead he chooses to tell people I have abandoned them. by stopping the phone calls etc. The justice system actually did fail me hopelessly in the first place as the protection order was of no use he would still beat me up, maintenance court in Durban is a joke as they procrastinated or else today my children would be with me and he would have no choice but to pay. I have achieved a lot in a year what I couldn’t in 13 years i spent with my ex and I’m grateful to the Almighty but i miss my children dearly, and pray that soon I can have them here with me. SO when you are in an abusive relationship remember you suffer, when you walk away think very carefully and plan yourself months in advance make sure you know of someone who can assist you when you need a place to stay, eat basic foods try not to be lavish, every penny counts, keep your head up and keep away from the wrong company, alcohol, drugs… look good, feel good keep neat and tidy. IT is a struggle but trust me with God anything is possible, pray everyday and be thankful for the little you have, speak to the right people who CAN assist not destroy you further. I Hope that this will be of help and that someone can also advise me on how I can sort out the maintenance issue and have my children with me, I am aware of family court etc etc been there done that.

Noma Phiri says:

Please assist in the situation I’m in. My husband threatened me with the gun. Phiri


A young woman who has a child with a guy working for the SANDF was assaulted and had a gun pointed at her by this guy. He wanted her to get out of a car driving at 160kms an hr.

They have a 3 yr old child but broke up 2 yrs ago. Monday last wk, he collected a child from creche. He is not maintaining this child. For some reasons, the mother of this young woman is co-operating with this man. She went with him to the creche to collect the child.

The young woman only became aware of her chil’s removalfrom creche when she called it. She phoned her mother ,who initially claimed ignoranve until she threatened to open a kidnapping case.

He later arrived at the young woman home with a child. He had bought the child clothes and had replaced the one he was wearing with new ones. At this time,the young woman was preparing to go to work, abt 70kms away.

He offered her a lift as he is based in Mtubatuba and the young woman works in Stanger, along the way.

On the away, he confiscated her cell phone and told her to get out of the moving car. She refused and; he started heating and insulting her and doing all manner of things. As the assault continued and she trying to stop the car, he pointed a gun at her. The act he is now denying.

When he eventually stopped, he asked her to get out. She refused as it was in the middle of nowhere and already dark. She asked him to drop her at work. After all manner of threats, shouting and assaults, he finally drove her to work. On their arrival, it was already late at night. There are strict rules at work. If you are late by a certain time, u are not allowed to get in. He again, assaulted her in front of the security personnel at work. Fortunately, there are cameras facing this direction which captured the assault.

The security personnel asked him to take her place of residence as she is no longer allowed to come in. He drove to the Police station where he claimed to be a victim. She disputed his false narrative and told the police officer what happened. He however refused to open the case, saying she must return the following day.

Instead, the police officer told him to take her home. When she asked, how can he say that when he can see that she is covered in blood and assaulted by this very man? He asked him to allow her to sleep at the police station until morning. He insisted that, he won’t harm her coz she has reported the matter to police. All along, he was show boating that, he is a soldier – asking for the rank of the police officer and all manner of things. She says, she suspected that the police officer was intimidated.

When she opened the case at Tongaat Police station, the ff day, they told her of their reluctance to open such cases coz women open and withdraw them. As a result, they don’t like opening such cases.

In the afternoon, the guy came back. He wanted her to drop the case and promised her money. She refused. Her mother is on her case to drop the case. He is also threatening to take the child he never maintained.

He and her sisters are throwing all sort of threats at her, saying she will regret her decision.

She is really scared and feel her life is in danger. She needs help.

My fear is, without reprentation and support structure, she may be pressured to drop the case. Consequently, a bully will not account for his actions and continue with women abuse. More concerning is the security risk she is now exposed to.

123 says:

I am in a abusive relationship and not sure how to get out. This man has been cheating on me through out our 21 year relationship. He had a child before we got married and many other relationships which some I knew about but turned a blind eye. 5 years ago he suspected that I am cheating on him and he has lost it totally. He is now extremely controlling, abuse me physically, verbally, emotionally and sexually. We have two kids and he has never been there for me throughout both pregnancies. He was never home and therefore could not assist with kids and when I tried to talk to him he told me that I am nagging and want him to be next to me at all time and that is not possible. I learned to cope on my own and never bothered him anymore and still he did not care. I tried to explain what his actions are doing to me and the kids he still did not care. Since his suspicion, he says I have destroyed him as a man and hurt him in a way he can’t explain. I once asked him if he feels so destroyed, how does he think I feel bcs he cheated on me several times and he said it is not about me. I thinks he does not care how I feel, he thinks men should cheat, I am not supposed to complain because I am a woman and my heart is made to be strong and. He feels he does not deserve to be cheated on and I do, that is why I must be over everything he has done to me. He never showed remorse when cough cheating because he knew that he is not going to stop and he sis not want to give me false impression. Since his suspicion, my biggest concern is the accusations, every day I am accused of cheating and when I try to explain what is happening he becomes violent saying I am protecting the other person. I have been accused of many things and it will just start out of the blue, he will just look for something to accuse me off, disagreement will begin and he will swear, break things in the house, take the car and never come back for the night, throw things at me and the last one was taking my phone from me. This happened in the middle of the night and in the morning when I asked for the phone he refused. I told him I will report him to the police he started swearing at me. I left bcs I could see he was very angry. The sad thing is no body in my family know that he is abusive towards me. After the last incident I went to my sister’s place and I could not tell her, when she persisted to ask why am I there and when am I leaving, tears started rolling down and I decided to leave before she can realize that. I am afraid of him and I think I have started to have enxiety. Most of the physical abuse and happen when children are away and yesterday I wanted them to come back from their grand parents and they did not want to. I could not sleep bcs I know it is just a matter of time before something goes wrong. I never thought I can be abused. I am well educated and very independent but I find myself in this position. I need help because it does not look like he will stop. He will always say sorry but do it again and says it is bcs he is deeply hurt

Eve says:

I have a court case of domestic violence pending against my partner. There seems to be no support for me. The matter has been in court since August 2019. At the last court hearing in March 2020, the matter was postpones to May 2020 without any reason. The trauma, coupled with many years of domestic abuse has made me dysfunction – dependent on depression pills to survive. My partner pressured me and offered me money to drop the case, since my refusal the threats has intensified and I fear for my life. I’m unable to focus in everything I am doing even at home. The manner in which this matter is protracted is worsening the situation. I have no voice and I am dying in silence. Who can support me in court? Please help me.

Petronella Leonita Ezeolisa says:

Good Day

Do you perhaps have a Branch in Durban that I can contact.

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