Youth participation should have quota, Mopheme

Date: January 1, 1970
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A news report on the Commonwealth Youth Caucus.

This article can be used to:
1. Demonstrate importance of sources and voices.
2. Raise discussion about the responsibility of the media in covering HIV and AIDS and youth.
3. Raise discussion on the gender aspects of HIV/AIDS related to youth.
Trainer’s Notes: Although the sole source of comment is a woman government minister, and HIV/AIDS is identified as a challenge for the youth, the article completely misses the opportunity to deal with the particular vulnerability of young women and girls to HIV infection. The article fails to obtain comments from the youth at all, relying only on the comments made by a minister during the meeting.

Discussion Questions
1. Does HIV and AIDS affect young women and men the same ? Explain.
2. Are youth voices important to the story ?
3. What are some possible questions that could have been asked of youth ?

Training Exercises
1. Trainees should be asked to identify the key challenges for youth, some of which have been listed in the article, and then rewrite the article, including comments from the perspective of youth.
2. Trainees can conduct a vox pop exercise with young men and women and ask them what they see as the major challenges for youth in the context of HIV/AIDS.  Their answers can then be analysed.  Are the answers different from boys and girls ?

3. Examine guidelines on reporting on children. Keeping these in mind, find a way to write or record children’s perceptions and experiences realated to HIV.
Links to Training Resources:
UNICEF – the United Nations Children’s Emergency Fund –
Gender and HIV/AIDS: A Training Manual for Southern African Media and Communicators, Gender Links and the AIDS Law Project, Chapter 4  and Chapter 5


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Comment on Youth participation should have quota, Mopheme

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