Zambia Barometer 2013: Chapter 5 Gender based viol...
Zambia Barometer 2013: Chapter 5 Gender based violence
Date: November 25, 2013
Key points
Citizens scored government’s performance at 73% based on perceptions of progress made against the GBV targets set for 2015 in the SGP. This places the country at number five out of the 15 SADC countries.
The Violence Against Women (VAW) Baseline Study has been piloted in four districts of Zambia: Kitwe, Mansa, Kasama and Mazabuka.
Of the six countries where the VAW Baseline Study has been conducted, Zambia has the highest lifetime prevalence with 89% of women in the four districts having experienced some form of GBV and 72% of men admitting to perpetrating some form of violence.
About 29% of women reported experiencing non-partner rape in their lifetime while a higher proportion of men, 31% said they had perpetrated rape.
Zambia is the only country in the region with an Anti-Gender Based Violence Act.
The process to set up a forensic laboratory has commenced. Victim Support Unit (VSU) officers have been trained to collect forensic evidence.
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0 thoughts on “Zambia Barometer 2013: Chapter 5 Gender based violence”
The 2012 GBV pilot survey finding of high percentage of women’s (89%)lifetime GBV experience and men’s (72%) GBV perpetration is factual because the newspapers all contain at least one GBV court case per day. This will take a while to change as currently the Anti-GBV Act is not yet being used by courts because the court-rules are still being drafted. It beats me that there is over a year gap between the enactment of the Act and formulation of the court-rules other than speculating that the former was done for show-casing only!
0 thoughts on “Zambia Barometer 2013: Chapter 5 Gender based violence”
The 2012 GBV pilot survey finding of high percentage of women’s (89%)lifetime GBV experience and men’s (72%) GBV perpetration is factual because the newspapers all contain at least one GBV court case per day. This will take a while to change as currently the Anti-GBV Act is not yet being used by courts because the court-rules are still being drafted. It beats me that there is over a year gap between the enactment of the Act and formulation of the court-rules other than speculating that the former was done for show-casing only!