Zambia GJLG Summit 2012 Winners

Zambia GJLG Summit 2012 Winners

Date: March 20, 2012
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Category: Projects À“ Gender Based Violence, Prevention
Winner: Vainess Phiri – Katete District Women Development Association (DWDA)
The DWDA provide legal education, psychosocial counselling and advocacy services to abused women in Katete. The judges concluded that the winner’s work was excellent with room to grow in developing tools to monitor and evaluate the project. The project demonstrated community involvement and over time would require increased efforts for men to take part in activities.

Category: Projects À“ Gender Based Violence, Support
Winner: Ackson Habanji – Provincial Government Officer, Mongu Western Province
The winner is at the forefront of holding gender review meetings within provincial government to assess the extent to which Principal Officers in local authorities are addressing gender based violence. This is done against previous action plans submitted by councils. The presenter had many facts at hand. He was able to demonstrate knowledge of the subject area. Going forward the judges pointed out he would need to demonstrate a stronger connection to GBV support. The project’s strength was in the equal involvement of both men and women.

Category: Projects À“ HIV/ AIDS and Care Work
Winner: Theresa Sikunte Chishumba – SWAAZ
In this category the winner has developed several income generating activities that are sustaining the care of those affected by HIV and AIDs for example a dairy that supplies milk products to Parmalat. The judges concluded that this was a good cause that could still had room for the involvement of more people in the community. Her efforts are encouraged as she is supporting orphaned and vulnerable children (OVCs) and other physically challenged people in various ways such as providing school fees.

Category: Projects – Local Economic Development
Winner: Sambo Lydia Muvindi – Katete District Council, Senior Livestock Officer
A strategy of mainstreaming gender in the Department of Veterinary and Livestock Development (DVLD) was to empower women through livestock business. This project targets the House Hold and ensures that men, women and youth are involved in economic opportunities. The project has had very good impact as it has been well replicated with good interaction amongst community groups.

Category: Projects – Gender and Governance
Winner: Raymond Hawala – Young Women Christian Association Men’s Network
The Linda Community Husbands carried out a campaign for female candidates. The campaign involved community activists in Linda compound mobilizing voters to vote for adopted female candidates in all the wards in Linda community in the 2011 tripartite elections. The judges described this as a good project that would need to more closely address root causes of gender violence in households and communities as it evolved and grew beyond the 2011 elections.

Category: Projects – Individual Leadership
Winner: Shadreck Mudala Mwiinga – Mazabuka Municipal Council
Former mayor of Mazabuka council supports drama groups who do community sensitization on GBV and other gender related matters. The winner is an experienced leader who needs to build more on team work elements of his work in mainstreaming gender.

Category: Centres of Excellence for Gender mainstreaming in local government/ Institutional
Winners: Chingola Municipality presented by Laura Yumba.
Kapiri Mposhi District Council presented by Chanda Senkwe.
Katete District Council presented by Greyson E L Nkhata.
Three very strong contenders emerged from this category and will take the achievements of their localities to the regional summit in Johannesburg. Judges concurred that all three should be given the opportunity to show case their work amongst other counterparts from the region.


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