Get a Southern Africa perspective on 57th Session of UN Commission on the Status of Women from the
e-newsletter brought to you by Gender Links and the Southern Africa Gender Protocol Alliance: Issues of the e-newsletter available from Tuesday 5 March to Monday 11 March 2013.

Join us in cyberspace on Friday 8th March International Women’s Day!
Making IT Work for Gender Justice: An African and Women’s NGO initiative@ CSW 57.
Gender Links and the Southern Africa Gender Protocol Alliance invite you to join the ‘Elimination and prevention of all forms of violence against women and girls’ dialogue that will be held in English from 8 am to 9.30 am New York time. Your comments and thoughts will be reflected in the Monday 11 March edition of the e-newsletter – Roadmap to Equality: A Southern Africa perspective of CSW57.
All you need is access to internet from wherever you are in the world to participate!!
Please note time zones for the chat. Click here to   join.
New York: 08h00   – 09h30
South Africa: 15h00 – 16h30
GMT: 06h00 – 07h00

Gender Links cordially invites you to a GBV networking meeting and cyberlink to CSW on International Women’s Day
Date: Friday, 8 March
12.00 – 14.00: Lunch and discussion on the current upsurge in GBV
14.00 – 15.00: Emerging conclusions from the CSW as they relate to SA
15.00 -16.00: Cyber link with colleagues and experts in New York and across the SADC Region
Venue: GL Cottages
Address: GL Cottages, 30 Gill Street, click here for directions