The Roadmap to Equality: A Southern Africa Gender and Development Protocol Barometer is a regional e-newsletter that tracks the ratification and implementation of the SADC Protocol on Gender and Development by Member States. It is produced by Gender Links in partnership with the Southern Africa Gender Protocol Alliance.
The Roadmap to equality e-newsletter, previously the Gender Justice Barometer, focuses on developments relating to all the themes in the SADC Gender Protocol.It is a tool for both state and non-state actors to monitor progress on whether governments are on the way to meeting the 28 targets to be achieved by 2015.
It provides a platform for knowledge creation and sharing of good practices for gender and women’s rights activists and governments. It is a mechanism to track the impact of their work in order to measure whether or not they are making a difference.
Your inputs are welcome in order to reflect your views and remain relevant to the current context of women, men, girlsâ € ™ and boys’ lived realities. To contribute, please write to the editor, Sifsosami Dube on
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