Gender Based Violence – SADC Gender Barometer


SADC Gender Protocol Barometer 2016
Chapter 5
Southern Africa, August 2016



Gender-based violence in Southern Africa, as elsewhere in the world, remains the most telling indicator of the inequalities between women and men. Centuries of acceptance have entrenched and normalised GBV, thus undesrscoring the need for radical transformative counter-measures by governments, civil society and communities at large.

Some key points

  • Eleven out of the fifteen countries have put in place domestic violence and sexual assault legislation; four countries (Tanzania, Swaziland, DRC and Lesotho) fall short of the target.
  • 14 countries have legislation on sexual harassment.
  • Seven countries have undertaken the GBV baseline research. These show that between one in four and four in five women in SADC countries have experienced some form of violence over their lifetime.

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