In a country that is proposing even harsher laws for same-sex sexual activity; and with ongoing violence and societal discrimination against the LGBTQI community, there is a growing movement, nurturing […]
“I feel happy to be here; I feel safe because my father is not around, and I can continue with school.” Despite the ban on Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) in […]
Local authorities in Zimbabwe, Voice and Choice Southern Africa Fund grantees, Women of the South Speak Out (WOSSO) Zimbabwe fellows and Zimbabwe media are cordially invited to submit entries for […]
Alderman Resta Dzvinyangoma is the first-born daughter in a family of three girls and two boys. She was deprived of the right to finish her secondary school education by her […]
Dhanita Devi Ramsaran is an elected village councillor of the District Council of Flacq since the year 2020. She has known Gender Links via social media and has also previously […]
Natacha Hossanny began her career as an officer at the Municipality of Port-Louis (MPL) in 2012. She has known Gender Links (GL) since then and has witnessed the admirable endeavour […]
Anoushka Jyotee Greedharree Oogarah has first heard of Gender Links (GL) through its shelter, Safe Haven Halfway Home (SHHH). She expresses her desire to extend her warmest congratulations to the […]
“Everyone should be given the opportunity to serve their country, without any discrimination.” Subhasnee Luchmun Roy is a member of the National Assembly and a member of the political party […]
“Providing the opportunity for women to participate effectively in politics should neither be seen as a favour on women nor simply a result of laws or quotas.” Soonita Kistamah has […]
“Nowadays, children receive very empowering messages on the status, role and potentiality of women.” Sandra Marie Monia Mayotte is a member of the National Assembly and a member of the […]