
What happened to Twinkle Twinkle Little Star?

Growing up in the 90’s I remember my mother telling me to close my eyes whenever there was a kissing scene on TV. I also remember crying because I was not allowed to watch Melrose Place or The Real World. Those were the days when kids TV was the only TV I had access to, and when cartoons were actually made for kids.

Who is to blame for sex in schools?

The Jules High School saga in Johannesburg À“ in which a female student was allegedly gang-raped while her classmates watched and videotaped À“ is one of many recent horrible and all-too-real scenarios from our schools. Whatever the outcome of this story, it is reason enough to take a closer look at how schools seem to have become dangerous breeding grounds for sexual promiscuity.

Portrait de Josiane Emandee de Grand Gaube

A presque 50 ans,Josiane Emandee a ete choisi par les habitants(elle etait la seul femme face a onze hommes),de son quartier pour representer au sein du mouvement civique de Grand Gaube,cree en juillet dernier.

Score a Goal for Gender Equality!

Score a Goal for Gender Equality!

The Gender Links Score a Goal for Gender Equality! Campaign was officially launched on December 10th, 2009, Human Rights Day, and the final day of the 16 Days of Activism. This campaign looks at the ways in which Soccer 2010 impacts on gender, most notably: economic empowerment, sex work, trafficking, women and sport and gender, media and sport.

The campaign is supported by various communication efforts including radio, print, and IT as well as advocacy and outreach initiatives, such as seminars and debates.

This is enhanced though the Gender and Media Diversity Journal 8: Gender and Soccer 2010 and the Gender Links Opinion and Commentary Service.

Interview de Sandhya Boygah

Interview de Sandhya Boygah,Présidente de la commission des sports et du loisir, au conseil des Districts du Nord,sur l’organisation d’un tournoi de volley-ball disputé le 24 sept et le 1 oct Á  Roches-noires et Á  Rivière du Rempart respectivement.

Women parade in bikinis for breast cancer – ETV

Women stage a bikini-parade to raise awareness about breast cancer, one of the biggest killer diseases.

Eye on Video

WomensNet has used digital media since it’s inception in 1998 to amplify women’s voices and share information and knowledge. WomensNet defines digital story telling as a recording and documentation method which foregrounds the voice and experiences of story tellers as primary in the process of storytelling.

Samia Haroon: La musique et le respect de l’autre peuvent mettre fin aux conflits

Tant de conflits dans le monde, tant d’inégalités, d’injustices. La musique, comme le respect d’autrui, peut dissiper ces problèmes et même les faire cesser. C’est l’avis de l’animatrice de Radio One, Samia Haroon. Elle a nagé jusqu’aux rives mauriciennes mais c’est auprès des fleuves pakistanais où elle a grandi qu’elle tire sa richesse culturelle qu’elle transmet Á  chacune de ses émissions radiophoniques.

Time to listen to the woman and not the clothes

The taxis would not stop honking as the young lady walked across the road with an air of confidence. She was indeed looking great in a jaw-dropping outfit, but her confidence seemed shattered by the nasty statements, insults and jeers that bombarded her from the taxi drivers. As she ran into one of the many cars, it seemed as if she was forced there, unable to endure more disapproval from the taxi drivers and the commuters within them.

Soccer is a microcosm of our society

South Africa is celebrating Women’s Month this August under the banner “Working together for equal opportunities and progress for all women: Forward to the decade of African women.À Yet if we look at soccer, we can see many subtle inequalities which are a true reflection of societal relations between women and men in Africa and beyond today.