• GBV Baseline studies in seven SADC countries involving 30327 respondants

    GBV Baseline studies in seven SADC countries involving 30327 respondants

  • Support 10 governments in developing 365 Day Action Plans

    Support 10 governments in developing 365 Day Action Plans

  • Championing the Sixteen Days of Activism and its extension to 365 days of action

    Championing the Sixteen Days of Activism and its extension to 365 days of action


Gender Links’ Gender Justice Programme has grown organically since the organisation’s inception in 2001, deepening its focus and contributing to knowledge on gender based violence. Click here for an overview of the programme in the latest annual report.

From an initial focus on intensifying strategic communications training to building sustainable campaigns, GL has gone on to provide technical assistance to several SADC countries to develop National Action Plans to End Gender Based Violence. Through the programme GL has piloted a comprehensive set of indicators to measure violence against women. This work is achieved within the overall GL approach involving research, advocacy, developing policy and action plans and training. During the 16 Days of Activism, GL hosts and facilitates cyber dialogues – online discussions – designed and intended to mobilise people across the region to participate in online discussions about GBV and gender equality.

Botswana: Bitterness is gone

Mozambique: Journey of a gender and AIDS activist

Zambia: I struggled to find happiness in my life

Zimbabwe: Rescued by entrepreneurial skills

Over the years GL has demonstrated a commitment to gender justice and equality by efforts to create opportunities and provide spaces for survivors of all forms of gender violence to speak out, participate in various conversations and document their experiences through I-Stories – “healing through writing”. In March 2011 the Justice Programme commissioned a set of these stories from individuals involved in caring for people living with HIV and AIDS (PLWHA). The Care Work “I” Stories were written during a regional meeting held in March to take stock of progress on the recognition and regulation of care work across the region. Through the Justice portfolio the Care Work Cluster within the Southern Africa Gender Protocol Alliance will be expanded in order to take forward efforts on the gaps and opportunities identified through the taking stock process. In late 2011 a care work module will be included in the Centres of Excellence for Gender Mainstreaming in Local Government in an effort to make effective links in this area at local levels.

GL also leads a broader SRHR campaign for #Voice&Choice in line with the Sustainable Development Goal five on Gender Equality  in partnership with the Southern African Gender Protocol Alliance and local government on a comprehensive campaign to ensure the full Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights (SRHR) of SADC citizens. In addition, GL runs the #Sunrise Campaign  rolled out in partnership with 425 local councils across Southern Africa .