The sixteen days of activism against gender violence runs from the 25th of November to the 10th of December each year. 25 November is the international day for prevention of violence against women.   Read more about the 2007 Sixteen Days campaign and view the calendar of events. View report on the 16 Days Local Government colloquium.

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Take back the night
A call to NGOs, Community Based Organisations, government departments at all levels including local government, businesses and individuals to join the Take back the night campaign.
Read more…

Fact sheet on Take back the night campaign


I Stories
The I Stories are  a series of first hand accounts of gender violence from across Southern Africa produced by the GL Opinion and Commentary Service for  Sixteen Days of Activism. Stories and audio recordings are available for media.
Click here and select “I Stories” under     themes  to read the stories.  Click here to read more and  listen to audio.
Cyber Dialogues
Schedule of events

Join the cyberdialogues chat

Instructions on how to chat



Ama Buruxa
Gender Links will host the Ama-Buruxa cultural group from Namibia constituted by abandoned children which will be touring Johannesburg as part of 16 Days of Activism campaign.

The Ama Buruxa (Nama for â € œSimply Amazingâ € ) group, was established in 2001 to raise funds for the payment of school and examination fees for orphans and vulnerable children in MaltahÁƒ ¶he. Several activities have been lined up. Read more

Cell Phone Campaign
Make the Stop Gender Violence & AIDS Helplines a Free Call from Cellphones! Women’sNet, Gender Links and Nisaa join LifeLine Southern Africa to call on Cell-C, Vodacom, Virgin Mobile and MTN to make essential national helplines a free call from a cellphone. Click here for more information. Make a difference by signing the petition.
Taking Stock
GL, in partnership with GEMSA   coordinated  a face to face discussion to review the 365 Day Natioanl Action Plan and reflect on what the draft SADC Gender Protocol  would mean for gender violence.  This was  followed up by a video link up between   five countries (Mauritius,  Namibia,  South Africa, Swaziland, and Zambia) that are among SADC countries that have developed national action plans to end gender violence on 27 November.
Regional Activities
The Gender and Media Southern Africa (GEMSA) Network will be co-ordinating Sixteen Days activities in 13 Southern African countries. Visit the GEMSA website to view regional activities for the 16 days campaign.    For more information email



Visit our resource centre to view  graphics such as our 16 days logo, fact sheets  and the special 16 days editions of the Gender Justice Barometer .

Gender  Links Commentaries

Gender Links is  producing  a special series of  GL Commentaries for the Sixteen Days campaign.  For more information please contact:

16 Days Commentaries
Little to be proud about this 16 Days
Click here to read more commentaries

Gender Justice Barometer

During the months of November and December GL will distribute five 16 day special editions of its monthly e-newsletter, Gender Justice Barometer. To receive a copy or  contribute please write to:

Past 16 Days Campaigns
2006 Campaign
2005 Campaign
2004 Campaign
2003 Campaign
2002 Campaign

The Sixteen Days campaign and  Cyber Dialogues is only possible as a result of partnerships between NGOs, government and business.  Click here to view a list of partners in the campaign.

View pictures from our 16 Days of  Activism 2006  campaign.
Final Report
Click here to download the final report