The Sixteen Days of Activism Against Gender Violence is an internationally recognised campaign held every year between 25 November and 10 December. The campaign commences with the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (25 November) and ends with International Human Rights Day (10 December). The founding participants chose these dates in order to symbolically link gender-based violence (GBV) and human rights and to highlight gender based violence as a violation of human rights. Read more about the campaign.

Click here for the 16 Days final report.
Click here
for the UNite to end violence against women campaign.
Click here to view the photo gallery from events from the 16 days of activism.

I Stories
This year, GL will not only invite new submissions for the â € ˜I’ Stories, but pause to reflect on this “healing through writing” project by inviting past participants to a two day workshop from 21-22 November to reflect on their experiences. Gender Links will be reaching out to women who have previously participated in the â € ˜I’ Stories since they began in 2004 to find out where they are now, and how their lives have changed since telling their story.
Click here to view the schedule of events

Join the cyberdialogues chat


Instructions on how to chat

16 Days of Peace Events
Date Theme (click on the theme for the summary of the cyberdialogues)
Opinion pieces and I stories
Thursday 18 November Media debate: Is the media part of the problem or part of the solution?
Fact sheet Media: Part of the problem or part of the solution?
Wednesday 25 November Taking Stock: Regional progress in addressing GBV Fact sheet From paper rights to reality
Rape not my daughter’s legacy!
Thursday 26 November Speaking Out
Fact shee Speaking out can set you free
My father saved me
Friday 27 November GBV and the Internet
Fact sheet Social networking caution
Sat. 28 November Take back the night Fact sheet Not all rape survivors are women
Monday 30 November Sexual harassment Fact sheet Sexual harassment is a crime
Using my body for freedom
Tuesday 1 Dececember Making care work count – GEMSA campaign
Fact sheet Unsung heroes
Respect for care workers
Wednesday 2 December Culture, tradition and the role of men Fact sheet Stop FGM
Scarred for refusing marriage
Thursday 3 December Disability and GBV
Fact sheet Disabled women ignored
Back in my own home
Friday 4 December GBV and religion
Fact sheet

Forced marriages
Survivors courage

Monday 7 December Sex work
Fact sheet Memories of a sex worker
Tuesday 8 December Human trafficking Fact sheet Human trafficking & World Cup 2010
Thursday 10 December International Human Rights Day: Gender and Soccer 2010
Fact sheet
Take Back the Night
Communities, activists and local and national government authorities will be reclaiming unsafe spaces in localities through â € œTake Back the Nightâ €  a global campaign started in Latin America. Watch the video of the march. Contact for more information.


Gender Links Commentaries
Gender Links is producing a special series of GL Commentaries for the Sixteen Days campaign. For more information please contact: or click here to view current commentaries.


The Sixteen Days campaign and Cyber Dialogues is only possible as a result of partnerships between NGOs, government and business. Click here to view a list of partners in the campaign.
Radio Resources
The GL Radio Service is offering radio materials for use by broadcasters during 16 Days of Activism. Tjoon’in is an entertaining mix of music, feature reports, interviews, testimonials from survivors of violence, and radio spots highlighting various 16 Days themes. Roadmap to Equality: Voices and Views is a series of radio reports about the SADC Gender Protocol.


Visit our resource centre to view fact sheets, graphics such as our 16 days logo, and the special 16 days editions of the Gender Justice Barometer.