Making care work count

The Southern African Gender Protocol broke new ground by making provisions for the recognition of care work provided by women for those living with HIV and AIDS. Gender Links has worked with the Gender and Media Southern African Network (GEMSA) in conducting research on care work policies in Southern African countries.

This led to the production of a handbook to lobby for and strengthen care work policies. GL, GEMSA and VSO-RAISA produced and launched the handbook. Click on the links below to read the handbook.

GL conducted a regional audit of care work policies in March 2011 to work a regional and national  strategy for stronger advocacy campaigns for recognition of women’s unpaid care work. Let us grow, a care work organisation in Orange Farm in the Gauteng province of South Africa has been part of the campaign since, read more about how the campaign has impacted on the organisation. At the meeting some of care worker told their stories, click to read the stories.

Making care work count: Policy development handbook

Chapter one: Background and context
Chapter two: Framing a care work policy
Chapter three: Country mapping and stakeholder analysis
Chapter four: Building coalitions
Chapter five: Draft policy formulation and implementation
Chapter six: Developing an advocacy and lobbying plan
Chapter seven: Monitoring and evaluation