Soccer 2010: Score a goal for gender equality
On the eve of the FIFA Soccer 2010 World Cup, Gender Links (GL) and the Gender and Media Diversity Centre (GMDC) will be spearheading awareness raising campaigns, producing publications and hosting seminars around gender and 2010. In line with the SADC Gender Protocol on Gender and Development that sets 28 targets for the achievement of gender equality by 2015 and with an event of epic proportions about to land on our shores, there is no better time than 2010 to get the ball rolling!
GL and the GMDC will work in partnership with the National Community Radio Forum (NCRF) and Community Media for Development (CMFD) in the activities outlined below. GL and GMDC will:
- News Service
• Train 10 community journalists on covering gender in Soccer 2010.
• Run a gender and soccer 2010 news service with the 10 community journalists that will offer opinion and commentaries pieces for print and radio starting from the 10 June
• Publish the stories produced on the GL Opinion and Commentary platform which will also run its radio commentaries during Soccer 2010
• Commission stories on relevant themes and publish these through the GL Opinion and Commentary service - Radio Spots
• Be producing three radio spots on human trafficking under the banner “Together we can end human trafficking” in 12 languages including English; Afrikaans; Chichewa; French; Nyanja; Portuguese; Sesotho; Setswana; Shona; Siswati; Shangaan and Zulu. The radio programmes will broadcast by community and mainstream radio stations across Southern Africa. These programmes are available on CD in 12 languages with an accompanying presenters guide in three languages which are English, French and Portuguese. - Seminar: Opportunities, risks and voices of young people in Soccer 2010
• Run a second colloquium on Gender and Soccer on the 22 June 2010 that will include a seminar on the theme Opportunities, risks and voices of young people in Soccer 2010, a regional launch of the radio spots on human trafficking and a soccer match between two teams comprising both girls and boys.