The Violence Against Women (VAW) Baseline Study is a Southern African research project aimed at measuring the extent, drivers, effect, cost, prevention, protection, programmes and participation in the fight to rid our region of this scourge. The study conducted to date in Botswana, Mauritius, Zambia, Zimbabwe, Lesotho and South African Provinces of Gauteng, Limpopo, Western Cape and Kwazulu Natal, takes place against the backdrop of the Southern African Protocol on Gender and Development that aims to halve current levels of gender violence in the region by 2015. The question that arises is how governments will know if this target is being achieved if baselines are unavailable.To measure the efficacy of both government and civil society programmes, there is need to have baseline data on the extent and effects of VAW, as well as the manner in which governments and civil support organisations respond to GBV.
GL in partnership with government and local civil society partners conducted this research to provide evidence for the adoption and strengthening of National Action Plans to end GBV. Click here for the findings of the GBV Indicators Research Project in Botswana, Lesotho, Mauritius, Zimbabwe, four provinces of South Africa and four districts of Zambia.
Read more about the research in:
- South Africa
- Botswana
- Mauritius
- Zimbabwe
- Zambia
- Lesotho