The Limpopo VAW Baseline Study established that there are high rates of VAW in the province. Much of the violence is occurring within the domestic sphere with emotional intimate partner violence being the most dominant.Results of the VAW Baseline Study have shown that over two thirds of women (77%) in Limpopo have experienced some form of gender based violence in their lifetime including partner and non-partner violence. About half of men, (48%) admit to perpetrating VAW at least once in their lifetime. Most of the violence occurs within intimate relationships and is predominantly emotional a form not usually addressed. Thirty one percent of the women experienced emotional violence while over a third of men (36%) perpetrated emotional intimate partner violence in their lifetime.

Prevention efforts at provincial level thus need to be accelerated and particularly raise awareness among women. Provision of psychosocial support should be prioritised and up scaled in responding to VAW especially emotional violence. More resources should be allocated towards a health sector response that places mental health services at the centre.Striking in these findings is the rate of underreporting to the police and health department which is very low.

To view the Limpopo research report click here.