The Southern African Broadcasting Association (SABA), Gender Links and the GMDC convened the 2016 fifth Gender and Media Summit under the banner “Empowering women in and through the media-Providing a voice for gender equality”. The Awards were in the fields of leadership, Institutional practice, as well as in-depth Print, Radio, and Television publications and production. Journalists and media houses from Zimbabwe submitted the following entries for the GEM Summit.

Name Media House Category Entry
Byron Adonis Mutingwende Newsday Zimbabwe Print
Jairos Saunyama Alpha Media Holdings Print
Jairos Saunyama Alpha Media Holdings Print
Jairos Saunyama Alpha Media Holdings Print
Kenneth Matimaire Financial Gazette Print
Ngonidzashe Dapira The Manica Post-Zimpapers Print
Thandeka Moyo The Chronicle Print
Wallace Munodawafa Mawire News of the South Photojournalism