How best do we unearth key issues on gender, media and diversity? The GMDC believes that the best way to get citizens to find solutions and map the way forward on issues that affect the region is to move them into the public domain. Through the GMDC seminars, citizens have a platform to discuss and engage with issues that advance gender equality in the region and beyond.
The seminars, sometimes on very controversial issues, are held in-line with the 2008 SADC Protocol on Gender and Development which seeks to empower women in all aspects of private and public lives. In this way, the GMDC believes it could help to foster a global community of citizenry, activists and academics committed to more representative and responsive media.
Our media office coordinates all seminars. They can be contacted via e-mail on medi@genderlinks.org.za.
To read any of the seminar reports please click on the links in the list below.