This review concerns the extent to which gender is integrated into the work of twenty freedom of expression and media development organisations supported by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).
One of the major findings of the review reveals that  virtually all organisations reviewed cited gender as an important consideration in media for development and freedom of expression work. Many had studied the most recent Global Media Monitoring Project (GMMP) undertaken every five years since the Fourth World Conference on Women in Beijing in 1995. The 2005 study showed that women constitute 21 percent of news sources (up from 17 percent in 1995) and that gender equality as a topic comprises 4% of all coverage.
However, despite the growing understanding that gender is intrinsic to their work, only two out of the 20 organisations in the survey (MISA and FOJO) have gender policies. Another three – Panos, the International Freedom of Expression Exchange (IFEX) and Makerere are considering developing such policies. AMARC does not have a gender policy, but gender is well integrated into the procedures manual of the organisation that mandates gender considerations in training, promotion, projects etc.