Press releases | Profiles of women candidates | Media monitoring | Past elections
Gender Links as part of the International Idea-led consortium of six organisations (Gender Links, FAWE, FEMNET, IFAN-Gender Laboratory, PADARE and WLSA), is implementing the project title: Enhancing the inclusion of Women in Political Participation in Africa.The four key components of the project in Botswana are:
– conducting a Situation Analysis of Women’s Political Participation
– conducting inter-generation dialogues based on this Situation Analysis
– Women Political Participation (WPP) Academy and Mentorship
– Political party dialogues.
Media Monitoring
Gender Links, with the support of International Idea WPP project, is conducting Media Monitoring, as part of the Gender audit of the Botswana elections. The Media Monitoring, which started on October 1st and expected to end November 14th 2024, is covering all mainstream media – print, television, radio and Online media. The broadcast media monitored is Botswana Television (Btv), Radio Botswana, RB 2, GabzFM, YaronaFM, DumaFM and YTV, and print publications being Mmegi, The Monitor, The Voice, Daily News, The Guardian, The Gazette, Midweek Sun, The Patriot on Sunday, Sunday Standard and Weekend Post. In addition to assessing Digital platforms of the mainstream media, online publications, the monitoring also covers The Argus and The Parrot.
View the live monitoring results
Press releases