
Gender Links seeks a consultants for conducting gender audit of elections for South Africa for the Africa WPP Barometer data. The gender audit of elections form part of strategic interventions to enhance women’s political participation in Africa. The gender audits  seek to gather information on the electoral processes pre,  during and post elections period. The gender audits will seek to assess the extent of gender mainstreaming in the elections and how  gender equality issues are perceived and prioritised by the political parties, Electoral  Management Bodies, media and other stakeholders.

The South Africa gender audit of elections will take place from 1 May 2024 to 31 July 2024.  CVs and daily rates must be submitted by 20 March

Background and Objectives

Gender Links is part of the International Idea-led consortium of six organisations implementing the: Enhancing the Inclusion of Women in Political Participation in Africa. The five other organisations in the consortium are FAWE, FEMNET, IFAN – Gender Laboratory, PADARE, and WLSA. The consortium focuses on eight African countries namely Botswana, Eswatini, Democratic Republic of Congo, Cote d’Ivoire, Kenya, Senegal, Tanzania and Zimbabwe. The consortium has five main areas of work which include Knowledge Generation, Documentation and Dissemination, training and capacity enhancement, Policy and Political Dialogues, Advocacy and Outreach, Peer to Peer Exchanges and Mentorship. The project is supported by the Embassy of Sweden in Ethiopia.  The overall goal  is  to increase the political representation and participation of women in the SADC region and in Africa in line with the Maputo Protocol of 2003, the revised SADC Protocol on Gender and Development of 2015, various sub-regional protocols and standards and the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).

Scope of work

Gender Links is in the process of implementing the second phase of the Enhancing the Inclusion of Women in Political Participation in Africa project. As part of the Knowledge Generation, Documentation and Dissemination component of the project, GL seeks to undertake gender audits of elections.

The gender audits of elections will be for  periods pre, during and post elections as determined by the elections dates. The gender audits will set out key gender equality issues arising from the electoral period and processes. Data gathered through the gender audits will be used for policy advocacy on increasing women’s representation and participation in politics. Additionally the data will be used as case studies in the second WPP African Barometer.


Gender and elections audits
Pre elections press release/ commentary piece
Desk review, data gathering, including consultations with key stakeholders such as EMBs, Political Parties local government councils, media in order to collect data for the gender audit
Draft gender analysis report
Prepare and present the findings of the gender analysis report
Incorporate input and submit final report approval
Total Gender and elections audit report


Gender Links will undertake gender audits of elections to

  • Assess the extent of gender mainstreaming in the elections and how gender equality issues are perceived and prioritised by the political parties, Electoral Management Bodies, media and other stakeholders.
  • Evaluate the level of women’s participation in the elections and election processes in pre- during and post-election periods identify unequal opportunities for men and women in the electoral process.
  • To strengthen GL’s policy and advocacy on increasing representation and participation of women in politics.
  • Create and add to the body of knowledge on gender and elections in the region making it possible to do comparisons with previous elections.
  • To enable an opportunity for reflect on the election process, analyse strengths and weaknesses.

Key competencies

  • Degree in a relevant social studies field.
  • At least ten years’ experience working in the area of Women’s Political Participation.
  • Excellent relations and access in this area
  • Writing, analysis, lobbying and advocacy skills
  • Ability to multi task and deliver under pressure, including the restrictions placed by COVID-19.

Time frame

  • The consultancy is expected to be a maximum of 25 days, during the period May to July 2024.

Please E Mail CVs and daily rates to: by 20 March 2024.

Only successful candidates will contacted.