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Meetings/ tasks   GRA meeting Case Studies Policy Consultation Campaigns Summits
Dates By 15 April By 30 April (UNFPA April – June) Ongoing to August
Partner countries
Angola PMA – summit by July (AC)
DRC Ucofem – summit by July (AC)
Malawi NGOGCN – summit by July (AC)
Seychelles Gemplus – summit by July (AC)
Tanzania TGNP – summit by July (AC)
Countries with GL offices Mostly all run by partner  One by partner; one by GL Joint planning;  all logistic costs via GL; co-ordination fee to partner 
Botswana BOCONGO BOCONGO and GL. Summit by June (LFS)
Lesotho WLSA WLSA and GL; Summit by June (LFS)
Madagascar FPFE FPFE and GL; Summit by June (LFS)
Mauritius MWO MWO and GL; Summit by June (LFS)
Mozambique Forum Mulher Forum Mulher and GL; Summit by July (AC)
Namibia Nangof and Consultant Nangof and GL; Summit by July (AC)
South Africa PSH PSH and GL; Summit by June (LSF)
Swaziland GL/ YWA YWA and GL; Summit by August (Jo Cox)
Zambia WLSA WLSA and GL; Summit by August (Jo Cox)
Zimbabwe WCoZ WCoZ and GL; Summit by August (Jo Cox)