GRA Meeting (12 April 2019)
Orientations et principaux documents / liens |
GRA Facilitators Guide |
Template invite and programme |
Post 2015 Gender Protocol |
Questions and guidance |
Link for each section below: |
Article 4 Les Constitutions et les Lois |
Article 5 Special Measures |
Article 6 Domestic Legislation |
Article 7 Equality in Accessing Justice |
Article 8 Marriage and Family rights |
Article 9 Persons with disabilities |
Article 10 Widows and Widowers Rights |
Article 11 The boy and Girl Child |
Reporting, suivi et évaluation |
Workshop daily registration form |
GL Individual Contacts Form |
Individual contacts uploaded (select GRA Meeting) |
GL and Partner Workshop meeting online report (Select GRA Meeting) |
Narrative report framework |
Finance |
Receipt form |
Collection d’études de cas (by 30 April)
Case Study brief |
Most Significant Results Template |
Consultation politique en partenariat avec le FNUAP (April and May)
Orientations et principaux documents / liens |
Concept note |
Meeting invite notes |
Programme |
French Audit SRHR Mapping of policy and laws report |
SADC SRHR Strategy |
SADC SRHR Score Card |
Gender audit of the SRHR strategy |
Gender and SRHR Checklist |
SADC Minimum standards for SRHR |
Reporting, suivi et évaluation |
Individual contacts uploaded (select Policy consultation in drop down) |
Workshop daily registration |
GL and Partner Workshop meeting online report (select Policy Consultation in drop down) |
Narrative report template |
Finance |
Reimbursement receipt form |
Finance reconciliation form |
Receipt form |
Campagnes et coordination – (Ongoing till August 2019)
Orientations et principaux documents / liens |
Campaigns page link to specific campaign work plan |
Community and Social Media guidance document |
Reporting, suivi et évaluation |
GL Individual Contacts Form |
Individual contacts uploaded (select Policy consultation in drop down) |
Workshop daily registration |
GL and Partner Workshop meeting online report (select Policy Consultation in drop down) |
Online link to quarterly reporting against Amplify Change targets |
Finance |
Contract template for performing groups |
Receipt form |
Workshop reimbursement form |
Sommets April – July 2019
Orientations et principaux documents |
Summit concept note |
Summit invite letter |
Summit programme |
Reporting, suivi et évaluation |
GL and Partner workshop form (choose Protocol @Summit and relevant country) |
Summit forms |
Drivers of Change |
Finance |
Quote comparisons |
Finance receipt |
Finance reconciliation form |
Workshop travel reimbursement form |
Documents de référence | |
Menstrual health power point | Girl Child Fact Sheet |
Comprehensive sexual education and teenage pregnancies power point | CSE & Teenage Pregnancies fact sheet |
Safe abortions power point | Safe Abortion fact sheet; Information |
Maternal health power point | Maternal health |
GBV power point | GBV fact sheet |
Harmful practices power point | Harmful practices fact sheet |
LGBTI power point | LGBTI policy brief |
Communications – general | |
Guidelines on photos and video | |
Social media guideline | |
Alliance Twitter Handles | |
Key dates and messages throughout the year | |
Cadres normatifs | |
Updated SADC Protocol on Gender and Development | |
Maputo Protocol | |
SADC CSW Resolution on HIV and AIDS | |
Sustainable Development Goals | |
2018 Barometer | |
2018 SADC Gender Barometer SRHR Chapter | |
2018 SADC Gender Barometer HIV and AIDS chapter | |
2018 SADC Gender Barometer GBV chapter | |
SAFAIDS Transforming lives programme |