SRHR Consultation Meetings Concept Note
SRHR Consultation Meetings invitation template
Programme for Consultation meetings
Instructions to join Zoom
GL Editorial Guidelines
Reference documents
Overview of SRHR Campaigns
Community radio information pack
Progress of SRHR campaigns by country
Monitoring and evaluation
GL and Partner Events workshop form
Evaluation Form
GL Contact Form
Alliance SRHR Campaigns module
Alliance SRHR Advocacy and Communications Toolkit;   Sixteen days discussion
Campaigns action plan templates
Menstrual Health Maternal Health CSE and services Safe abortion
HIV and AIDS Child marriages Sexual diversity
Useful resources for the campaigns
Menstrual health power point Girl Child Fact Sheet
Comprehensive sexual education and teenage pregnancies power point CSE & Teenage Pregnancies fact sheet
Safe abortions power point Safe Abortion fact sheet; Information
Maternal health power point Maternal health fact sheet
GBV power point GBV fact sheet
Harmful practices power point Harmful practices fact sheet
LGBTI power point LGBTI policy brief
LGBTI module LGBTI Training powerpoint
Sixteen Days to up #VoiceandChoice – concept and dates
Communications – general
Guidelines on photos and video
Social media guideline
Alliance Twitter Handles
Key dates and messages throughout the year
Background documents
Audit of SRHR policy and laws
SRHR Mapping theme and country
Updated SADC Protocol on Gender and Development
Maputo Protocol
SADC CSW Resolution on HIV and AIDS
SADC SRHR Strategy
SADC SRHR Scorecard
SADC Minimum standards for SRHR
Barometer Executive summary
GL SADC Protocol@work SRHR case study analysis
2018 SADC Gender Barometer SRHR Chapter
2018 SADC Gender Barometer HIV and AIDS chapter
2018 SADC Gender Barometer GBV chapter
SAFAIDS Transforming lives programme
Sustainable Development Goals
The State of African women report – key findings
Resource package – She decides flagship event