50/50 by 2030! Empower women, End Violence
Portuguese | 16 Days of Activism | Sunrise Campaign
What is the summit | Categories and forms | Objectives | Target groups | Background | Submission rules | Key dates | Summit dates | Awards | Queries
Country Summits
Botswana | Lesotho | Mozambique | Madagascar | Mauritius | Namibia | South Africa | Swaziland | Zimbabwe | Zambia |
What is the summit?
The Post-2015 Action and Results Era is here! Following a concerted advocacy campaign by the Southern African Gender Protocol Alliance, SADC Heads of State signed the Post 2015 SADC Gender Protocol in Mbabane, Swaziland in August 2016. Over 400 Centres of Excellence for Gender in Local Government have updated their gender action plans, setting new targets and indicators for the Post 2015 agenda. The 2016 – 2017 SADC Protocol@Work Summits provide a platform for knowledge dissemination and sharing of best practices across the SADC region. The summits are to be held under the theme: 50/50 by 2030: Empower Women, End Violence, coincide with the Sixteen Days of Activism from 25 November to 10 December in 2016.
The 2017 summits are planned for in Mauritius and South Africa. In the spirit of strategic partnerships and sustainability in South Africa, Capricorn District Municipality in Limpopo Province will host the Swaziland delegation in a joint summit planned from 14 to 15 March 2017. Gender Links embraces this innovative and cost-effective strengthened partnership as it promotes sustainability, sub-regional integration and cross-pollination of best practices.
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This award recognises the Drivers of Change who have championed the Post 2015 SADC Gender Protocol and its related SDG targets at local and/or national level and can show evidence of results. Governments, Councils, NGOs, CBOs and Faith Based Organisations are welcome to apply! Fill in the online form |
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This award recognises innovative programmes and projects to advance the Post 2015 SADC Gender Protocol and its related SDG targets in the following categories, aligned to the Alliance theme clusters: Governance, including the 50/50 campaign, peace security, constitutional and legal rights Economic justice, including education, training, and economic development; Sexual and Reproductive Rights including GBV, HIV and AIDS Climate Change and Sustainable Development; Economic justice, including education, training, and economic development. Governments, Councils, NGOs, CBOs and Faith Based Organisations are welcome to apply! Fill in the online form |
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This award recognises progress in mainstreaming gender in the local government Centres of Excellence that have completed the ten-stage process. It comprises a gender and local government score card that has been updated and aligned to the Post 2015 SADC Gender and Development Protocol. Compulsory evidence includes the Council’s Post 2015 Gender Action Plan devised with support from GL in the course of 2016; council budget and at least one photo. While other evidence is optional, councils are urged to submit as much evidence as possible. Only Centres of Excellence for Gender in Local Government should apply. Fill in the online form |
- To gather evidence on the SADC Gender Protocol@Work through case studies on leadership programmes as well as institutional practise.
- To popularise the Post 2015 SADC Gender Protocol and its related Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) gender targets and indicators.
- To establish new baseline scores for the Centres of Excellence for Gender in Local Government in line with the Post 2015 SADC Gender and Sustainable Development Agenda.
- To promote discussion and reflection on what works to end gender violence, as part of the 2016 Sixteen Days of Activism campaign.
- To acknowledge and affirm survivors of gender violence who are reclaiming their lives.
- To launch the 2016 SADC Gender Protocol Barometer and the Gender and Media Progress Study; and to use this evidence to strengthen the Post 2015 Action and Results Agenda.
Target groups – leave no one behind!
- Government departments and gender machineries at all levels.
- Southern Africa Gender Protocol Alliance network members – NGOs, CBOs and Faith Based Organisations.
- Centres of Excellence for Gender in Local Government including councillors; Gender Focal Persons; Gender Champions
- Gender Drivers of Change including Emerging entrepreneurs
Background to the SADC Gender Protocol@ Work Summits
Adopted in 2008, the SADC Gender Protocol is a unique sub-regional instrument for promoting gender equality that brings together regional, continental and global commitments to gender equality in one instrument, with an initial alignment to the Millennium Development Goals that expired in 2015.
SADC Protocol@Work summits evolved out of the biannual Gender and Media summits held since 2004 and the annual Gender Justice and Local Government summits that started in 2011. In 2013, with pressure mounting for the 2015 deadline of the SADC Gender Protocol (initially aligned to the MDGs) the summits came together in one annual SADC Gender Protocol@Work summit. Under the umbrella of the SADC Gender Protocol Alliance, and with the strapline, 2015-Action and Results, the 2015 summits focused on progress made towards achieving the 28 targets of the SADC Gender Protocol by the initial deadline of 2015, as well as action in strengthening the regional instrument Post- 2015. The 2015 regional summit took place on the eve of the SADC Heads of State summit in Botswana, one of the two SADC countries that is not yet signatory to the SADC Gender Protocol although the country has been leading the review process. In all, the SADC Protocol@Work summits have gathered over 2000 case studies of the SADC Protocol@Work.
From 2015 to 2016, the Alliance mounted a concerted campaign for the adoption of a strong Post 2015 SADC Gender Protocol in line with the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The SADC Gender Protocol is unique among SADC Protocols for being reviewed and updated in light of the changing times. In August 2016 SADC Heads of State adopted the Post-2015 SADC Gender Protocol, aligned to the SDGs, Beijing Plus Twenty and the African Agenda 2063. Although the revised Protocol drops all references to specific timeframes, it will be accompanied by a Monitoring, Evaluation and Results Framework that incorporates the gender targets and indictors of the SDGs, that are due to be achieved by 2030. Notable gains include stronger rights based language, especially on Sexual and Reproductive Health and Rights, as well as a new section on Gender and Climate Change. Please see the here the Post 2015 SADC Gender and Development Protocol.
The SADC 2016 Barometer
The 2016 SADC Gender Protocol Barometer detailing all these developments can be accessed here. The executive summary and attitudes survey can be accessed for free. The full Barometer and or chapters can be ordered online as detailed on the website.
The Post 2015 SADC Gender Protocol and local government
Since June 2016, the over 400 Centres of Excellence for Gender and Local Government in ten SADC countries have been updating their gender action plans in line with the Post 2015 SADC Gender Protocol and the Sustainable Development Goals. The summit offers an opportunity to establish new baseline scores for the action plans and to gather data on Gender Responsive Budgeting.
Emerging Entrepreneurs
Since 2013, GL has worked with 1500 survivors of gender violence in a unique life skills and entrepreneurship training programme linked to the Centres of Excellence for Gender in Local Government. An extension to the programme includes mentorship and access to business opportunities. Mentors will assist in selecting entrepreneurs to participate in the summits as illustrated below:
Link to the Gender and Media Summits in August
In 2016, the Gender and Media Summit took place in August 2016 in Namibia separately from the SADC Gender Protocol@Work Summit, as a partnership between the Gender and Media Diversity Centre, GL and the Southern African Broadcasting Association. National entrants to the regional GEM Summit will share their best practices at the SADC Gender Protocol@Work summits. The summits will also launch national results of the Gender and Media Progress Study that can be accessed here. You can download the executive summary, or order the full book or individual chapters as detailed on the website.
Submission rules
- All applications must be submitted NO LATER than 17.00 hours on 03 March 2017.
- All submissions must be made on-line using the online forms. If for any reason you are unable to submit your application on-line, please contact the Gender Links country office for technical support.
- The application forms should contain full contact details of the entrant, physical address, telephone and, e-mail address.
- For each entry, you will need to fill in the online form and upload supporting evidence as stated and guided in the application form.
Key dates for Joint South Africa and Swaziland Summit
Call for awards | 03 February 2017 | To be circulated extensively through all networks at local, national and regional levels. |
Submission of entries deadline | 03 March 2017 | Late submissions and or those that do not adhere to the guidelines set out will not be considered. |
Screening | 08 March 2017 | Distinguished and experienced panels in each category advised by a team of experts from the partner organisations, working from a standard set of criteria. |
South Africa and Swaziland Summits in 2017 | 14 – 15 March 2017 | The summit in South Africa will be hosted by Capricorn District Municipality.
In 2016, summits were also held in Botswana, Lesotho, Madagascar, Mauritius, Mozambique, Namibia, Swaziland, Zambia and Zimbabwe in 2016. |
Only finalists may receive sponsorship to travel to the summit in each country. Others are welcome to attend but will have to make their own arrangements to do so. Self- sponsored delegates may register here .
For more information contact the relevant Gender Links country office on details below or the Head Quarters: governance@genderlinks.co.za or phone 00 27 (11) 622 2877.
Country | GJLG Summits 2016 | Venues | |
Start | Finish | ||
Zimbabwe | 14 November | 16 November | Harare |
Botswana | 21 November | 23 November | Gabarone |
Mozambique | 28 November | 30 November | Maputo |
Lesotho | 28 November | 30 November | Maseru |
Namibia | 30 November | 02 December | Windhoek |
Madagascar | 30 November | 02 December | Antananrorivo |
Zambia | 05 December | 07 December | Lusaka |
Swaziland | 08 December | 10 December | Mbabane |
Mauritius | January 2017 | TBC | |
The awards in each country comprise.
1. Gender Drivers of Change | Winner |
2. Project Best Practice Award Governance, including the 50/50 campaign, peace security, constitutional and legal rights | Winner |
3. Project Best Practice Award Economic justice, including education, training, and economic development; | Winner |
4. Project Best Practice Award Sexual and Reproductive Rights including GBV, HIV and AIDS Climate Change and Sustainable Development; | Winner |
5. Project Best Practice Award Economic justice, including education, training, and economic development. | Winner |
6. Local Government COE – urban overall best performance | Winner |
7. Local Government COE rural – overall best performance | Winner |
8. Local government resourcefulness urban best performance | Winner |
9. Local government resourcefulness rural best performance | Winner |
10. Emerging Entrepreneur best performance | Winner |
11. Emerging Entrepreneur best performance | Runner up |
If you have any queries, please contact a GL country office or send an E Mail to mande@genderlinks.org.za.