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Gender Links hosts the national #VoiceandChoice Zimbabwe Summit from 10-13 November 2024. The theme is “Promoting Gender Responsive Governance and Economic Development”. Local authorities, Government Departments and Civil Society organizations in Zimbabwe will showcase best practices in categories including Drivers of Change, Entrepreneurship, Gender Responsive Budgeting, Institutional Centres of Excellence, Local Economic Development, Media and Projects (Climate Change, Gender-Based Violence, Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights, Youth). The call is open to all local authorities; media practitioners trained by GL; the Voice and Choice Southern Africa Fund and fellows of the Women of the South Speak Out Fellowship. All applications for the summit should be done online by 30 October 2024. Late entries will not be accepted.


Category Who is eligible Apply
Leadership: This award recognises the Drivers of Change who have championed the SADC Gender Protocol and its related SDG targets at local and/or national level and can show evidence of results.
Drivers of Change

Local Government Councillors, are welcome to apply! Drivers of Change online application;
Powerpoint presentation

Gender inclusive Local Economic Development participants Entrepreneurship online application;
Powerpoint presentation

Junior councillors; VCSAF grantee youth leaders; WOSSO Zimbabwe fellows Youth online application;
Powerpoint presentation
Institutional: This award recognises the flagship enterprises and entrepreneurs implementing the Promoting Gender Inclusive Local Economic Development programmes
Centres of Excellence

Centres of Excellence for Gender in Local Government. (All local authorities) Centres of Excellence online application;
Powerpoint presentation
Gender Responsive Budgeting

Open to all local authorities. Gender Responsive Budgeting online application;
Powerpoint presentation
Local Economic Development (Flagship Enterprises)

Flagship enterprises in Arts and Crafts, Clean Energy, Health and Sanitation, Horticulture, and Waste Management. Local Economic Development (Flagship Enterprises) online application;
Powerpoint presentation
Projects: This award recognises work being done in the following areas: Youth participation, Climate Change, Gender Based Violence, Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights.
Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights

Local authorities, Youth / Junior Councillors can apply.
Amplify change grantees in Zimbabwe.
WOSSO Zimbabwe fellows
Sexual Reproductive Health and Rights online application;
Powerpoint presentation
Gender-Based Violence

Gender-Based Violence online application;
Powerpoint presentation
Climate Change

Climate Change online application;
Powerpoint presentation
Media: Print, online and broadcast

This award recognises media practitioners who have been profiling gender responsive budgeting, women’s political participation, and gender mainstreaming at the local level. Media online application;
Powerpoint presentation


  • To gather evidence through case studies on gender-responsive budgeting, local economic development, media, leadership, youth participation, and institutional practices.
  • To establish the gender progress scores for the Centres of Excellence for Gender in Local Government.
  • To establish the extent to which local authorities are including gender in their budgets.
  • To establish the extent to which Local Economic Development flagship enterprises and entrepreneurs are growing their businesses.
  • To promote discussion and reflection on the gender mainstreaming programme in Zimbabwe.


Dead line for entries Date of summit Contact person Phone no. Email
30 Oct 2024 11-13 Nov 2024 Tapiwa Zvaraya +263773955517 zimmande@genderlinks.org.za
Loverage Nhamoyebonde +263773967663 zimprogofficer@genderlinks.org.za