Audit: EnglishFrenchPortuguese  |  Database of policies and laws  |  Opinion piece  | 2020 Barometer  |  Mozambique video and case study

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The year 2020 has seen the update of the SRHR policies and laws audit conducted by the SADC Gender Protocol Alliance.

In 2018, the SADC Gender Protocol Alliance conducted a mapping of SRHR policies and laws. A summary on the audit of SADC SRHR policies and laws shows that, 13 out of 15 SADC countries have stand-alone policies on SRHR policies, however some of the policies are as old as 15 years and there is less focus on safe abortion, menstrual health and harmful practices. Few countries with old SRHR policies have begun updating their policies in line with the updated SADC SRHR Strategy 2019-2030.

Click on the themes below to view infographics and more information

Menstrual health

Maternal Health

Adolescent SRHR
Safe Abortion



Harmful Practices

Sexual Diversity