This is final countdown to end of the financial year, our donor briefing, summit and tenth anniversary. Next week a team of managers and staff will retreat to put together a ten year commemorative book on GL’s achievements and challenges. It’s an exciting but daunting task, knowing we have reached 40 000 people, yet knowing that there are so many more we need to reach.
Its heartening to see all the entries coming in for the Gender Justice and Local Government Summit, as the work of the SADC Gender Protocol also takes off and takes shape with this instrument about to come into force. Next month we also formally open our new office in Mozambique, as we anticipate the SADC Heads of State Summit in Angola and look to extend our footprints into the Lusophone countries. So many steps taken: so many still to go! I hope we all keep our cool, keep calm, and most of all keep our sense of humour in the weeks ahead. Keep up the great work!
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