Gender Links Organisational Evaluation

Gender Links Organisational Evaluation

Date: June 13, 2011
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This second independent, external organisational evaluation coincides with Gender Links (GL’s) tenth anniversary. It follows a similar comprehensive “health check” in 2005, using the recommendations and structure of that report to track progress and make new recommendations.

Key highlights include:

  • GL is a learning organisation and its achievements can be summarised by a culture of excellence, accountability, transparency and transformation. The organisation has effectively carried out its advocacy, lobbying and partnership management, working around and with the Southern Africa Development Community (SADC) Protocol on Gender and Development and related issues in the region.
  • The organisation is led by a strong, self-driven and efficient Executive Director with visionary, strategic and hands-on qualities, as well as grace. The organisation has an actively engaged Board, and a supportive and energetic management team. The staff are committed, passionate, and knowledgeable about their work and are output driven. The organisation is managing a heavy workload for staff through working with interns and giving staff flexi time.
  • GL works in partnership with a well organised civil society network that has cohered past the adoption of the SADC Gender Protocol and into the implementation phase.
  • The organisation has made significant progress in developing an accredited training curriculum.
  • GL produces high quality publications and productions.
  • As GL embarks on the second decade of its organisational journey, it needs to take additional steps to strengthen the existing strategic positioning by developing a human resource and fundraising strategy.

Click on the file below to download the report.


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