South Africa: Provincial government, GL and Donor: Limpopo Province

South Africa: Provincial government, GL and Donor: Limpopo Province

Date: June 30, 2013
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Reflecting GL’s growing confidence in managing complex partnerships, Irish AID approached GL to help manage the implementation of a GBV project in the Limpopo province of South Africa after the provincial government failed to deliver. Both the Limpopo Department of Health and Irish Aid expressed satisfaction at the efficiency and innovativeness of GL. This project also shows how GL has turned an unfortunate situation to its advantage, assisting to deliver the GBV prevention project but linking it to GL’s COE and GBV indicators work in the province (see schematic diagram). The partnership has yielded strong and lasting relationships in Limpopo province.

“We saw an opportunity to form partnership with Irish Aid in 2008. Our contract with Irish Aid was for two years but we experienced some challenges in implementation due to internal systems and irregularities. We requested Irish Aid to extend the contract and it was extended to Dec 2012. An agreement was reached between Irish Aid and the Department to engage NGOs to manage the project. Irish Aid identified GL to work with the project. We learnt a lot from the NGO processes. We know that you must work hard when working with NGOs. I must say we have seen light and we are seeing where we are going and thanks to Irish Aid. Our partnership with GL is wonderful. At the moment it is working very well. They are teaching us everything. Everyday we are learning. Our last wish – if someone were to ask me what do you want written on your tombstone, it is to keep our relationship with GL alive (Sibongile Ncongwane, Gender Manager, Department of Health Limpopo Province).

“This relationship with GL is a milestone.. a major achievement. We have always wanted governments and NGOs to work together. It has always been a difficult relationship that has not worked but I see it working very well in this instance – In terms of procurement government is a huge heavy machine and procurement takes very long. GL comes in and they cut that process by 90% in two months. The activities that were supposed to be implemented since 2010 were done in two months! In reality, the technical expertise GL has brought in has exceeded our expectations (Joy Summerton, Irish Aid Limpopo).



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