Wellness Activities

Wellness Activities

Date: November 2, 2010
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Loga, Mary and Davinah enjoyed the last quarterly wellness lunch at Happy Rajah Restaurant on Friday 8 October.

Happy Birthday!!!

4: Marie Coopan
27: Loga Virashawmy

The GL choir performed live at the GEM Summit, it was a spectacular performance: no competition from the Royal Tenors and Gaborone Youth Singers. We continue to have our choir practices every Friday. Watch this space!

Community Work

On Saturday 23 October 2009 we had another wellness activity. We visited the Usindiso Abused Women Shelter. Usindiso houses 120 abused and homeless women and their children. The age range is from teenagers to 40 years. It was quite an experience for the few of us who went, seeing those young women, and what life has dealt them. Usindiso Ministries is giving them hope again, training them and empowering them with skills like sewing, upholstery and cooking.

We were taken on a tour to the rooms where the women live. We went into one which houses a Congolese woman with her three children. It was so touching and we just counted our blessings and the small things in life that we often take for granted.

Gender Links is putting into action where our heart is and walking the talk!

Thank you all for bringing all the toiletries and the clothes. They were really appreciated. It looks like a drop in the ocean but believe me it put a smile on their faces.

After the hard work at the women’s shelter we relaxed at the GL poolside for a braai and a good time. I hope to see more of you next time.

Mauritius Office

Mary is working with “Terre de Paix”, an NGO catering for vulnerable children.

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