Women’s month 2015

Date: August 28, 2015
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This Women’s month, August 2015, we focus on issues from the SADC Protocol@work Barometer.

DAY Theme and article of the day GREEN LIGHTS RED LIGHTS Barometer 2015
Monday 17 August


Southern Africa: Gender equality in SADC – the time is now!

The SADC Gender Ministers have agreed to review the SADC Gender Protocol and to add a Monitoring, Evaluation and Results Framework. Resources and capacity for gender ministries remain weak. Chapter 11. Implementation
Tuesday 18 August


Southern Africa: Gender equality still a far cry in the media

Over 100 media houses in SADC are now Centres of Excellence for Gender in the Media. Women constitute only one in five of the views and voices heard and read in the media. Chapter 9: Media, information and communication
Wednesday 19 August


Southern Africa: Women still missing from the corridors of power

Women in SADC make up 27% of members of parliament. This is higher than the global average of 22%. No SADC country has reached the 50% target of women’s representation in parliament, cabinet or local government. Chapter 2: Governance
Thursday 20 August


Southern Africa: Numbers do not tell the full story about education

Most SADC countries now have equal numbers of boys and girls at secondary and primary school. Many young women do not complete their education because of gender violence and teenage pregnancies.   Chapter 3: Education and training
Friday 21 August

Gender Based Violence

Southern Africa: Ending gender violence key to the Post 2015 agenda

All 15 SADC countries now have laws and plans to end gender violence. At least one third of all women in SADC have experienced gender violence in their life time. Chapter 5: Gender based violence
Monday 24 August

Economic Justice

Southern Africa: Wanted – gender equality in grand industrialisation plans

All SADC countries make legal provision for maternity leave. Women are the majority of the unemployed and the dispossessed in SADC. They only own 10% of the land. Chapter 4: Economic justice
Tuesday 25 August

Constitution and legal rights

Southern Africa: Customary practices make a mockery of new Constitutions

The campaign against child marriages has gained momentum with Malawi raising the age of marriage to 18. Customary laws and practices often run against Constitutional provisions on gender equality. Chapter 1: Constitutional and legal rights
Wednesday 26 August


Southern Africa: HIV overshadows women’s health gains

Fewer women are dying at child birth in Zambia, Lesotho and Zimbabwe. SADC has not achieved the MDG target of reducing maternal mortality by three quarters in 2015. Chapter 6: Health
Thursday 27 August


Southern Africa: Community action key to ending AIDS by 2030

Treatment of HIV and Aids in SADC is expanding rapidly. Mother to child transmission has been dramatically reduced. Southern Africa has the highest proportion of people living with HIV and AIDS anywhere in the world. The majority of these are women. Chapter 7: HIV and AIDS
Friday 28 August Climate Change The SADC Protocol on Environment has strong provisions on gender equality. Women suffer the most from the natural disasters that accompany climate change. Chapter 10: Gender, climate change and sustainable development
Monday 31 August Peace and Security Chapter 8: Peace building and conflict resolution

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